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İrade-i Seniyye Mucebince Resmo'dan Der-Aliyye'ye vesair Mahallerdeki Mekteplere gönderilen talebe ve etfalin isimleri, yaşları, ikametleri ile gönderildikleri yerleri havi defter. [4 Haziran 1314]-1898-06-16
Meetings of the board of the Muslim Sewing Club of Rethymno, consisted by the president Ivraim Fevzis Toutountzidakis and the members.-1920-10-22; 1922-01-23
ACREVE00012.jpg.jpg9 Mayıs 1315 Şukkasının henüz alınıp alınmadığının, alındı ise ne mikdar olduğunun suret-i iş'arı hakkında Maarif Nazırı Zühtü imzalı tahrirat. [7 Haziran 1315]-1899-06-19
Meeting of the board of the Muslim Sewing Club of Rethymno ''Kizlara Talim Dikih Heiti'', consisted by the president Ivraim Fevzis Toutountzidakis and the members.-1922-02-06; 1922-06-30
ACREVE00015.jpg.jpgTowards the councilor. Shipment of a proposal, signed by the council of Rethymno and by the head of the local Muslim school, concerning the new education law.-1908-03-23
ACREVE00011.jpg.jpg6 class school of the Muslim boys Rethymno. To the president of Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders: The director of the school informs that the building should be absolutely repaired during the period of the vacation.-1921-06-19
ACREVE00003.jpg.jpgMuslim Council of Elders and the notables of Rethymno complain, through their proxy lawyers, Tsouderos and Skoulas, for the degradation of the Muslim School.-1922-10-18
Announcement of the presentation of the needlework exhibition consisting of the works of the female students of the Muslim Professional Tailors and Handicrafts School of Rethymno.-1920-06-07
ACREVE00010.jpg.jpgResmo Sekenesinden Kalyoncuzaki Hüsnü Efendiye gönderilen usulen imtihanının İcrası için Resmo Mahkeme-i Şeriyesine gelmesine dair celpname-1914-07-15
Rethymno Muslim School of Sewing to Aristod. E. Hatzidakis: One fashion plate.-1911-12-09
ACREVE00014.jpg.jpgArız olan hastalık sebebiyle tatil edilen Mekatib-i İslamiyenin yeniden açılması için alınacak tedbirlere dair tahrirat [13 Şubat 1335]-1919-02-13
ACREVE00013.jpg.jpgGiritten 30 nefer çocuğun Mekteb-i Harbiye-i Şahane'ye kabulleri hususunda çıkan iradeye göre Resmo'dan 6 çocuğun gönderilmesine dair karar [ 26 Eylül 1303]-1887-10-08
ACREVE00009.jpg.jpgRethymno Muslim committee for the schools. Receipt of payment of 20 drachmas by Housnis Veis (Bey) Vakoglakis.-1915-03-07
Statement by Ivraim Fevzis Toutountzidakis, mufti of Rethymno, manager of the bequest to Rethymno Muslim Schools, according to the will of Hatzi (Hacı) Ivraim Ladas.-1919-08-28
ACREVE00004.jpg.jpgGirit Zükür ve İnas Mekatib-i İslamiyesi'nin saat cetveli, Dini ve Fenni Osmanlıca kitap cetveli, Rumca kitap cetveli ve tedrisat-ı umumiye tahlilatı konularına ait dört cetvelin müzakeresine dair alınan karar.-1907-11-03
ACREVE00001.jpg.jpgTo councilor. Note accompanying the dispatching of a list of the personel of the Holy Court of Rethymno from its part to the supreme directorate of Public Education and Religion.-1900-12-21
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