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Propositions by Nazife Mouladopoula and Natzige Mouladopoula against Tzemali Nami Mouladakis: The plaintiffs support that the defendant and their father is rich and is obliged to take care of his children.-1907-12-21
ACREVC00026.jpg.jpgEdehem Vrahnadakis, resident of Rethymo, to Rethymo mayor; he declares that on Rosson Street he owns a store which is occupied by Hasan Ef. (Efendi) Klaronakis, trader, for 360 drachmas per year.-1908-09-18; 1908-09-22
ACREVC00062.jpg.jpgRethymno holy judge asks the captain of the gendarmerie to prevent Omer Soubasakis to leave Ag. Eirini village.-1910-07-25
Towards the Rethymno holy judge: Rethymno public prosecutor informs him that Mehmet Saliahis(?) or Prasanakis, tailor, had been arrested for swearing against the holy judge, and that it had been reported that a lot of times he was talking against him in the coffee shop.-1901-06-28; 1901-06-30
Resmo Şehri sakinlerinden Ramazan Perasanaki tarafından Sekene-i Merkumeden Osman Uzun Alizaki ve diğer lakabıyla Dilaveraki aleyhine verilen istidaname. [13 Nisan 1319]-1903-04-26
ACREVC00043.jpg.jpgThe Rethymno prefect G. Paulakis reports that there are serious problems in the buildings of the ewkaf where the refugees had been settled and that even the life of the refugees is in danger.-1922-11-09
ACREVC00071.jpg.jpgRethymno holy judge asks Rethymno gendarmerie to force Housein Mourmourakis of Hasan, boatman, to appear in court in order to discuss his divorce and the relevant provision he has to provide.-1912-09-19
Towards Rethymno Holy Court. Application by Hantitze Artzouhaltzidopoula, daughter of Resit Artzouhaltzidakis, resident of Rethymno, against Housein Pervanakis; the plaintiff claims that the defendant raped her and because she was virgin he was arrested.-1912-07-07
Girit'te Resmo Mahkeme-i Şeriyyesi'nde Niyabet Vekaleti'ndeki Resmo Kadısı İbrahim Fevzi Efendi Tütüncüzade ve İzzet Ayayormanaki’den müteşekkil mahkemede Resmo sakinlerinden balıkçı esnafından İbrahim ve Hasan Kızı Feraşte'nin mahkemesi.-1918-11-22
ACREVC00011.jpg.jpgApplication of Hasan Platomaherakis, resident of Rethymno: The applicant asks from the court a certificate which will prove that he was born in 1877 and not in 1887 as it is written in the books.-1917-04-26; 1917-05-01
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