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ACREVC00078.jpg.jpgMuslim Foundations against Nikolaos Padouvas.-1913
In the name of the lawyer Stylianos Kostogiannis, representing Housein Selimefentakis, director of Rethymno administration of the Muslim Foundations, and of Hasan Kaliontzidakis, manager of the Veli Passa (Paşa) Mosque of Rethymno.-1904-09-27
Council of Rethymno Muslim Elders, towards the minister of justice: The murders and other violent activities against the Muslims continue in Crete.-1921-07-03
ACREVC00079.jpg.jpgCertificate for the delivery by the bailiff of the Court of First Instance of Rethymno of a summons to court to Moustafa Dentoglanakis.-1915-03-11
Resmo Evkaf İdaresi ile Yorgi Kmikoni arasındaki dava dosyası. [1309-1310]-1893; 1894
Bahçeli Kariyesi'nde ikamet eden Osman, Adem Hızıraki, Hasan Çekeraki ve Selim Efendilerin vakıf akarlarına el koydukları ve müdahale eylediklerinden adı geçen şahısların Vakıf Dairesi'ne celb edilmesine dair takrir. [5 Kanun-i Evvel 1313]-1897-12-17
Towards Rethymno Holy Court. Propositions by Dzekali Mouladakis, resident of Rethymno, against Nazife Mouladopoula and Natzige Mouladopoula, both residents of Rethymno, and against the suit of 10th October 1917.-1917-12-22
ACREVC00068.jpg.jpgRethymno mufti and holy judge ask the Chania gendarmerie to force Kazim Tolepakis of Sabri, trader from Rethymno, to appear in court, because he abandoned his wife and under age child.-1912-04-16
The mufti asks Rethymno gendarmerie and Rethymno public prosecutor to force by violence Housein Rialakis or Patsouhakis of Mehmet to appear at the court because he denies to do so.-1916-06-23
ACREVC00061.jpg.jpgRethymno holy judge asks Rethymno gendarmerie to prevent Hasan of Moustafa Tourkohasanakis, porter, to leave abroad, because he left his wife and chilrdren without food and protection.-1911-07-23
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