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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACREVC00013.jpg.jpgApplication of Hasan Mouratakis son of Housein, soap producer, resident of Rethymno: The applicant asks from the court a certificate which will prove that he was born in 1878, as he is not written in the books.-1917-06-17; 1917-06-18
Towards Rethymno Holy Court, applications by Moustafa Haniotakis of Fafoul, Mertzan Tzagkarinakis of Moustafa, Ahmet Binialakis of Souleiman, Ahmet Orfanoudakis and Ismail Roumanakis of Ivraim.-1917-02-16; 1917-02-20
Application of Housein Alikakis or Koulaklidakis, resident of Rethymno: The applicant asks from the court a certificate which will prove that he was born in 1881 and not in 1888 as it is written in the books.-1917-04-26
Application of Ahmet Koulouridakis, resident of Rethymno: The applicant asks from the court a certificate which will prove that he was born in 1879 and not in 1887 as it is written in the books.-1917-04-27
ACREVC00012.jpg.jpgApplication of Ahmet Betevakis, former resident of Rethymno: The applicant asks from the court a certificate which will prove that he was born in 1878, as he is not written in the books.-1917-05-01
Resmo Nahiyesi tevellüdat defterlerinde doğum tarihlerinin yanlış yazıldığına dair Boduraki Musa ibn Hasan'ın, Balıkçı Karadenizlaki Hüseyin ibn Mustafa'nın ve Mavnacı Ahmed Hacı Baklazaki ibn İbrahim'in istidaları. [20 Haziran-6 Temmuz 1333]-1917-06-20; 1917-07-06
Application of Saki Tokakis son of Haider, resident of Rethymno: The applicant asks from the court a certificate which will prove that he was born in 1899 and not in 1896 as it is written in the books.-1917-08-16
Towards Rethymno Holy Court. Propositions by Dzekali Mouladakis, resident of Rethymno, against Nazife Mouladopoula and Natzige Mouladopoula, both residents of Rethymno, and against the suit of 10th October 1917.-1917-12-22
Application of Housni Vakoglakis son of Bekir, resident of Rethymno: The applicant asks from the court a certificate which will prove that he was born in 1879, as he is not written in the books.-1917-08-01; 1917-08-02
ACREVC00011.jpg.jpgApplication of Hasan Platomaherakis, resident of Rethymno: The applicant asks from the court a certificate which will prove that he was born in 1877 and not in 1887 as it is written in the books.-1917-04-26; 1917-05-01
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