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ACRGVPR00037.jpg.jpgTowards Pappa Emmanouil Androulidaki: the Director of Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations reminds him that he had payed only 100 dr. and that he still owes 160 dr. for occupying a residence of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations since 1918.-1921-06-07
ACRGVPR00034.jpg.jpgThe Director of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations informs Rethimnis Gendarmerie that the Mosque of Perivolion Rethimnis had been restored in order to be used as a school by the Muslims.-1921-09-27
In presence of Rethimnis Notary Pertev Dervisaki: Ivraim Perissakis, Secretary of the Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations, representing the Director Moustafe Kemal Karajidaki and Lawyer Stilianos Georgios Kostoyannis agreed on-1921-01-25; 1921-10-08
Consulate of Greece acting as a Notary: Nazife, widow of Ismail Koutsoumousadaki, 2) Fatme, wife of Mehmet Slavodaidaki, 3) Nazire, wife of Hasan Ahmet Betari appoint Hasan Ismail Koutsoumousadaki their General Delegate in order to represent them.-1921-05-25
ACRGVPR00011.jpg.jpgPost office of Rethimnou/ Kingdom of Greece. To the Directorate of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations: the Ministry of Transportation approves the leasing contract of the Vakıf building to the Post office for one year.-1921-06-15
Towards Rethimnis Muslim Community: the Minister of Finances Dimitrios Barlas informs that: Law No 1640 is in force as far as the properties of the community are concerned and that it is going to enter the previous immunity (untaxed properties).-1921-08-24
ACRGVPR00033.jpg.jpgTowards the Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations: Prefect G. Galanis informs that Muslim cemeteries are going to be the relevant lands in Rethimnis Anogion Street, Baba location.-1921-10-07
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