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ACRGVPR00037.jpg.jpgTowards Pappa Emmanouil Androulidaki: the Director of Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations reminds him that he had payed only 100 dr. and that he still owes 160 dr. for occupying a residence of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations since 1918.-1921-06-07
ACRGVPR00024.jpg.jpgTowards the Rethimnis Employee who is responsible for the water (Idronomos): the Director informs that Yousouf Doukakis, Remadan Mousadakis and Markos Papadakis bought 1/2 masoura of water each, from Administration of the Rethimnis Muslim Foundations.-1922-08-22
ACRGVPR00043.jpg.jpgDirector of administration of Rethymno Muslim Religious Foundations informs the Idronomon of Rethymno that Mustafas Aigeorgiannoukis has bought half masoura of water from aquarium owned by Muslim administration, for his residence in Nikiforou Foka Street.-1922-07-28
ACRGVPR00042.jpg.jpgThe director of administration of Rethymno Muslim Religious Foundations informs Idronomon of Rethymno that Hrisanthis Aggelakis bought half masoura of water from the Rethymno aquarium, owned by administration, for his residence in Aristidou Street no 6.-1922-07-30
Administration of the Rethimnis Muslim Foundations. Towards the Minister of Trasportation: the Director reports that the attachment of the Muslim cemeteries and shops by the Municipality is illegal and that those real estate belong to Evkaf.-1922-08-08
ACRGVPR00034.jpg.jpgThe Director of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations informs Rethimnis Gendarmerie that the Mosque of Perivolion Rethimnis had been restored in order to be used as a school by the Muslims.-1921-09-27
In presence of Rethimnis Notary Pertev Dervisaki: Ivraim Perissakis, Secretary of the Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations, representing the Director Moustafe Kemal Karajidaki and Lawyer Stilianos Georgios Kostoyannis agreed on-1921-01-25; 1921-10-08
ACRGVPR00041.jpg.jpgDirector of Rethymno Muslim Religious Foundations informs Idronomon of Rethymno aquarium-idragogion that Ali Beys Besourakis and Ioannis Giannoulis have bought water from Rethymno aquarium which is owned be Religious Muslim Foundations.-1922-07-13
Consulate of Greece acting as a Notary: Nazife, widow of Ismail Koutsoumousadaki, 2) Fatme, wife of Mehmet Slavodaidaki, 3) Nazire, wife of Hasan Ahmet Betari appoint Hasan Ismail Koutsoumousadaki their General Delegate in order to represent them.-1921-05-25
ACRGVPR00025.jpg.jpgTowards the Rethimnis Employee who is responsible for the water (Idronomos): the Director informs that Aspasia, wife of Georg. Karavitaki, bought 1/2 masoura of water from the Administration of the Rethimnis Muslim Foundations.-1922-08-13
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