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ACRGVDIV00074.jpg.jpgTowards Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Religious Foundations. Answering to a previous question Prefect G. Galanis informs that Mayor of Rethimnis has taken all necessary precautions in order to have Saromata (garbage) removed to an isolated area.-1922-07-19
Towards the Supreme Administration of Education and of Justice. The Ierodikis I. F. Toutoun Zades sends a list of the writing material needed by the Foundation.-1909-01-12; 1912-09-13
ACRGVDIV00070.jpg.jpgThe Rethimnou Prefect informs the President of the Muslim Elders that he had not received an answer from the General Administration to the document No 862 of the Elders.-1921-09-06
Towards Rethimnis Public Prosecutor.-1911-10-08
ACRGVDIV00051.jpg.jpgThe Mouftis sends the Supreme General Administration of Crete a list of the writing material needed by the Foundation from 1914 to 1915.-1914-10-25
ACRGVDIV00050.jpg.jpgLerodikio of Rethimnis Prefecture. To the Directorate of Rethimnis Translators' Office: Mouftis sends an application by Lawyer Petrou D. Manousaki in Greek and asks for it to be translated into Turkish in order to be examined at the Holy Court.-1915-01-27
ACRGVDIV00061.jpg.jpgHakan-ı mualla-ı hilafetten infisal eden Hakan Mehmed ve Vahideddin Efendi'nin yerine hutbelerde Halife Müşarünileyh Abdülmecid Efendi'nin nam name-i hilafetpenahilerinin yad edilmesi hususunda Resmo Müftüsü ve Naib Vekili'nin yazısı.-1922-11-17
ACRGVDIV00059.jpg.jpgIerodikion of Rethimnis. Towards the Rethimnis Prefecture: the Rethimnis Ierodikis and Muftis sends a list of the writing material used by the Foundation the last 4 months.-1916-02-20
Answering to a previous document the mouftis writes that the concerned person is mentioned as 'Halifes', however, he is not recognized as imamis or hojas by the Holy Court.-1917-05-29
ACRGVDIV00046.jpg.jpgTo Rethimnis Prefect: the Mouftis informs that he has not received the 3579/1666 document concerning the births.-1916-04-12
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