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ACRGVM00065.jpg.jpgMescidlerde hizmet eden hatip, müderris, vaiz ve müezzinlerin isimleri ve hangi askeri sınıfa dahil bulunduklarına dair bir listenin tanzim ve irsaline dair alınan Resmo İhtiyar Meclisi Riyaset-i Aliyesi'ne gönderilen karar.-1921-07-26; 1921-07-28
ACRGVM00072.jpg.jpgAtina Harbiye Nezareti'nin emri üzerine cemaat-i İslamiye'nin efrad-ı zükuru, mezheb ve yaşlarını belirten Nahiye Dairesi'nden ve Mahkeme-i Şeriyye'den birer kıta şehadetname ahz etmekte olduğu hususunda Laşid Müftüsü Ahmed Asım'ın yazısı.-1916-03-14
ACRGVPR00024.jpg.jpgTowards the Rethimnis Employee who is responsible for the water (Idronomos): the Director informs that Yousouf Doukakis, Remadan Mousadakis and Markos Papadakis bought 1/2 masoura of water each, from Administration of the Rethimnis Muslim Foundations.-1922-08-22
ACRGVP00048.jpg.jpgTowards Rethimnis Holy Court (Ierodikion): the Consul for Education [Supreme Administration of Education] informs that the Ierodikis has the authority to accept the resignation of religious servants.-1911-11-04
Rethimnis Administration of the Muslim Foundations. Towards the Crete Office of Recruitment: shipment of a list with all religious servants of Rethimnis (detailed list).-1921-11-20; 1921-11-27
Rethimnis Prefect approves the decision of Rethimnis Council of the Muslim Elders to buy the land properties of the debtor Haider Vei H. Vakiraki for a very good price.-1913-05-02
ACRGVP00051.jpg.jpgRethimnis Holy Court. Rethimnis Ierodikis informs that the Supreme Administration of Education Ize Aiyioryannakis has been appointed Secretary of the Foundation.-1910-08-18
ACRGVP00043.jpg.jpgTowards the Rethimnis Ierodikin. The Prefect asks for a list of the employees of the Foundation.-1916-02-02
To the Ministry of Religions and Education. Rethimnis Mouftis: he informs that the Inspector of Education of Rethimnis Periphery asked that Muslim girls appear without a head scarf in front of him in order to be identified for the exam at the gym class.-1916-04-30
ACRGVDIV00072.jpg.jpgThe Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations. Towards the Perfect: shipment of a document.-1913-05-06
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