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ACRGVJ00003.jpg.jpgRumca ilm-i haberlerin belediyece tasdik edilebileceğine dair kararname. [16 Temmuz 1318]-1902-07-29
ACRGVEP00005.jpg.jpgTowards Georgion Athanasiadi, Lawyer and to Mr. O. Manousaki, Lawyer: the Director of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations asks him to send a list of the money owed to him by the Administration.-1924-04-05
ACRGVDIV00065.jpg.jpgNote: the document in the relevant envelope.--
Rethimnis Prefect asks Rethimnis Ierodiki to inform the Muslim population that the state will take a census on the 18th and 19th of December.-1920-11-12
ACRGVDIV00054.jpg.jpgRethimnis Muftis asks the Prefect for the writing material of the Foundation for 1907.-1907-10-11
Memuriyeti süresince Milapotamo Kazası, Klandara ve Orta kariyelerindeki Hıristiyanların vakıf akarlarını gaspettiklerine dair Resmo Evkaf muhasebecisi Klapsarzade Edhem Bey'in müzekkeresi üzerine alınan tedbirler hakkında tezkere. [16 Teşrin-i Evvel 1309]-1893-10-28
ACRGVPR00043.jpg.jpgDirector of administration of Rethymno Muslim Religious Foundations informs the Idronomon of Rethymno that Mustafas Aigeorgiannoukis has bought half masoura of water from aquarium owned by Muslim administration, for his residence in Nikiforou Foka Street.-1922-07-28
ACRGVP00041.jpg.jpgTowards the Prefect. Shipment of a list of employees of the Council who receive more than 80 dr. per month: Kiami Veisagadakis, Director: 160 dr. / Yousouf Aliyajidakis, Inspector: 100 dr. / Ivrahim Perisakis, Secretary:120 dr. / Titos Zakakis, Secretary,110 dr.-1908-10-18
ACRGVO00003.jpg.jpgKingdom of Greece. Rethimnis Muslim Elders. Towards the Rethimnou Prefect: the President reports that Vejah Hajidakis had been appointed Director and Inspector of the Orphan Properties in the position of Moustafa Kemal Karajedaki who resigned.-1921-03-01
ACRGVP00045.jpg.jpgLerothimon Dragasi, Asteri Village is asked to send a person to collect the carobs of the Administration of the Muslim Foundations and to send them to the trader Mehmet Aigioryannaki.-1922-08-18
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