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Rethimnis Prefect sends back to the Ierodikio the list of the employees.-1919-01-17
ACRGVM00050.jpg.jpgThe Recruitment Office of Crete to the Moufti of Rethimnis. M. Varnavas informs that the Hiehis of the Teke of Naxidon and Halvedidon Alem Tarzade Behaedin stated that Salkagadakis Salis of Osman is 'sag Rehber' at the Teke, therefore he serves as Hiehis.-1918-02-09
The Holy Judge and Mouftis: Ivraim Toutountzidakis and the President of Muslim Elders: Housnis Selimefentakis ask not to give a second Mosque to be used as Military Camp.-1919-02-26
Hiehis of Rethimnis Teke of Naxidon Ali Riza Demiragadaki certifies that from the 5th of March 1918 Hakis Kariotakis of Suleiman serves as Halifes in the Teke and that there is nobody else serving there.-1918-05-03
ACRGVP00002.jpg.jpgLetter of the Nomarch of Rethimnis to the Holy Judge ('Ierodikin') asking for the dispatchment of the wages' list of March 1919 of the employees and servants in order to be dispatched to the Ministry of Economy.-1919-04-01
Rethimnis Mouftis asks that the Muslim soldiers that died in Athens should have a proper religious funeral and therefore Hiehis Ehadi Alemdarzades accepts to go to Athens.-1918-06-16
ACRGVM00028.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis, answering to a relevant question by the Office of Recruitment, states that according to the Directorate of the Muslim Foundations.-1918-01-16
Rethimnis Mouftis sends to the Prefect of Rethimnis a salary list of the people working at the Foundation for the period February-July 1918.-1904-03-31; 1918-07-15
Rethimnis Mouftis certifies that Mehmet Alis Oustazade serves as Imamis and Halifes in Rethimnis Teke of the Bektasides Hasan Baba.-1918-04-17
ACRGVM00046.jpg.jpgRethimnis Prefect asks the Moufti Rethimnis if Kemali Besiraki is the legal wife of the soldier Zeineri Aiyorgaki.-1918-04-27
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