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ACRGVD00010.jpg.jpgGeneral Administration of Crete / Kingdom of Greece. To the president of the Rethymno Council of Muslim Elders, Housein Tsitsekakis.-1921-06-11
ACRGVDIV00013.jpg.jpgRethymno mufti asks the prefect of Rethymno to send to the Foundations writing material.-1918-08-02
City of Crete and the Supreme Administration for the Education sends a list with the schedule of the lessons to be thought and the Turkish and Greek books which will be used in the Boys and Girls Muslim Schools.-1907-11-03
ACRGVD00013.jpg.jpgTowards the Prime Minister and the head of the Revolution, Athens. The president of the Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders, M. K. Karatzedakis, reports that the Muslims had been waiting to be peacefully exchanged.-1923-08-12
To the President of the Crete Office of Recruitment. Rethimnis Mouftis, answering to the Document 1882 of sends a list of the Muslim Religious servants in his periphery that are necessary for the Religious worship in mosques and tekes.-1917-03-19
ACRGVDIV00021.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis, answering to a relevant question, certifies that Fatoume of Hasan Perdikaki is first niece of Ali Avni Skoubededaki.-1919-10-01
ACRGVDIV00044.jpg.jpgDersaadet'ten Resmo Muhtacin-i İslamiye Komisyonu'na çekilen telgraf [9 Mayıs 1315]-1899-05-21
ACRGVD00012.jpg.jpgTowards the minister of the Public Healthcare, Iraklion. President of the Rethymno Council Muslim Elders, M. K. Karatzedakis, asks for protection from the terrorist attacks, the violence and the pillages which started the same day against Muslims.-1923-08-12
ACRGVDIV00008.jpg.jpgThe prefect of Rethymno informs the holy judge that according to the law concerning the Muslim Elders, the prefecture must be supplied with all muftis' in charge at the prefecture of Rethymno names and surnames, as also with the number of all Muslim families.-1920-10-13
Towards the President of the Government. Rethymno Muslim Elders together with Rethymno notables complain that two more Muslim notables had been murdered while going to Maroulas village; they ask for protection.-1921-10-30
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