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Rethimnis Mouftis supports that the dramatic decrease of the number of the Muslim students into the schools is due to the financial problems most of the Muslims are facing it is also possible that there are secret Muslim schools in Rethimno.-1919-11-20
ACRGVM00012.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis informs the Office of Recruitment that Hiehis of Kandridon and Halvetidon gave to him (in Turkish) the names of the people working in the Religious Foundation.-1918-06-07
ACRGVDIV00013.jpg.jpgRethymno mufti asks the prefect of Rethymno to send to the Foundations writing material.-1918-08-02
To the President of the Crete Office of Recruitment. Rethimnis Mouftis, answering to the Document 1882 of sends a list of the Muslim Religious servants in his periphery that are necessary for the Religious worship in mosques and tekes.-1917-03-19
ACRGVDIV00021.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis, answering to a relevant question, certifies that Fatoume of Hasan Perdikaki is first niece of Ali Avni Skoubededaki.-1919-10-01
Rethymno mufti sends to the prefect of Rethymno a list of all the mosques and tekkes in prefecture of Rethymno.-1918-02-22
The Directorate of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations. To Rethimnis Prefecture shipment of a document.-1913-02-28; 1913-04-22
The Directorate of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations. To Rethimnis Prefecture shipment of a document.-1913-02-11
ACRGVDIV00039.jpg.jpgRethimnis Prefect asks the Moufti Rethimnis for a list of the mosques and tekes of the Muslims.-1918-02-16
ACRGVE00005.jpg.jpgTo the Directorate of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations: the Mayor asks for a list of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations and of the Muslim Religious servants in the Mosques according to the order of the Ministry of Religions and Education.-1917-08-29
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