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ACREVJ00070.jpg.jpgHacı İbrahim Ağa Vakfı'ndan olup Aksaray'daki bir hanenin komisyonca tasarrufu mütereddid yazılması üzerine tashih edilmesi için Evkaf Müdürü sıfatıyla Abdulkadir Efendi'nin müracaatı ve bu hususta alınan kararın müsveddesi [26 Mart 1340]-1924-04-26
ACREVP00265.jpg.jpgHakkı Babazade’nin Veliyüddin Paşa Cami-i Şerifi Postnişinliği'ne ve Selami Babazade İbrahim Naim Efendi'nin merhum Osman Haşim Paşa Hazretleri'nin bina eylediği Nakşibendi Tekkesi'nin Şeyhliği'ne tayin edildiklerine dair Resmo Müftüsü ve Naib Vekili'nin beyanı.-1924-03-26
ACREVP00415.jpg.jpgResmo Mahkeme-i Şeriyyesi Mübaşiri Hüsnü Efendi'nin memuriyetten istifasına mebni münhal kalan mevkiye heyet-i aliyelerince uygun görünen bir zatın atanması hususunda yazı.-1924-03-13
ACRGVDIV00073.jpg.jpgRethimnis Holy Court. Towards Rethimnis Prefecture: Rethimnis Mouftis sends a list of the writing material needed by the Foundation.-1924-07-31
ACRGVEP00005.jpg.jpgTowards Georgion Athanasiadi, Lawyer and to Mr. O. Manousaki, Lawyer: the Director of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations asks him to send a list of the money owed to him by the Administration.-1924-04-05
ACREVP00122.jpg.jpgGreek State, the Muslim Elders of Rethymno. Towards the prefecture of Rethymno: They ask for the appointment of Mouharem Noumanakis as secretary of the Holy Court of Rethymno.-1924-07-16
ACRGVP00003.jpg.jpgTowards the Muslim Elders of Rethimnis. The Nomarch of Rethimnis, Papadakis, report No 1206/571 about the appointment of the Secretary of the Holy Court (Ierodikion).-1924-07-31
Application of the Customs' officer to the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations asking time of departure of Housni Pinialakis, rentor of the warehouseshop owned by the customs house, and the year that it was sub-leased to Geor. Vasalos.-1924-05-19; 1924-05-24
ACRGVF00008.jpg.jpgThe Council of Rethimnis Mulim Elders states that the Directorate of the Muslim Foundations never sold grave stones.-1924-08-14
Rethymno Lawyers Association. Call to a meeting.-1924-02-08
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