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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACLEVJ00093.jpg.jpgLaşid Cemaat-i İslamiye Heyeti Reisi Banosaki Necip Fehmi ve azaları Kadıoğlaki Atıf, Hamidaki Mustafa, Kolokoraki Mustafa ve Aza Mülazımı Rüstemaki Mustafa Efendilere İslam Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdürü Mehmed Emin Hacı İsmail'in davetnamesi. [10 Eylül 1320]-1904-09-23
ACLEVJ00092.jpg.jpgLaşid Cemaat-i İslamiye Heyeti Reisi Banosaki Necip Fehmi ve azaları Kadıoğlaki Atıf, Hamidaki Mustafa, Kolokoraki Mustafa ve Aza Mülazımı Rüstemaki Mustafa Efendilere müessesat-ı diniye müdürünün davetnamesi. [4 Teşrin-i Evvel 1320]-1904-10-17
ACLEVJ00089.jpg.jpgHamryako Cami-i Şerifi Muskkafat defteri 1 cilt koçan ile postaya teslimen gönderilmesine Krımçe'de Laşid Müessesat-ı Diniye Katibi Hacı Kahramanaki Hüseyin Efendi'ye gönderilen dair takrir. [15 Teşrin-i Evvel 1320]-1904-10-28
ACLEVJ00087.jpg.jpgLaşid Cemaat-i İslamiye Heyeti Reisi Banosaki Necip ve azaları Kadı Oğlaki Akıf ve Hamidaki Mustafa ve Kalokoraki Mustafa ve Lazanaki Mustafa Şadi Efendilere davetnamedir.-1904-12-01
Shipment of document. Har. Kargiotakis after the order of Housein Moutafaki, resident of Ierapetro and manager of the Administration of Lasithiou Muslim Foundations to Nikolaon Pavlou about a case concerning his brother Haridimo Pavlou-1907-11-28
Mihail Kothris received by the Ottoman Bank for Lasithiou Orphans, 428 Kurus on behalf of the Orphan Ivrahim Nousouret Tsaousaki according to the decision of the political department of the court (Protodikio) of Lasithiou-1895-07-19
Towards the Notary of Ierapetra, Ioanni Giannaki. The Manager of the Efkafiou asks that the rights of the Administration of Muslim Foundations of Lasithiou are protected-1900-04-12
ACLEVJ00056.jpg.jpgLetter of the Director (of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou) To iosif Koundoure informing that the Directory expects a document from the Notary Lirakin and a translation from Tsambourli.-1915-06-24
ACLEVJ00052.jpg.jpgNote of Lawyer i.R. Koundouros to the Administration of the Religious Foundations of Lasithiou Accompanying the dispatchment of the documents related to a requested case.-1915-01-06
Replying letter of Lawyer Konst. Stamatakis to the Administration of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou, accompanying the dispatchment of the court decisions No. 835/1908 and 871/1909, and stating that the document No. 1420/1909.-1914-09-05
ACLEVJ00049.jpg.jpgLetter of Muslim Religious Foundations' Director of Lasithiou to Lawyer Emanouil Hourdakin asking for information concerning the case with Emanouil Zervakin at the court of appeal of Irakliou.-1914-10-22
ACLEVJ00045.jpg.jpgLetter of the Administration's Director of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou to Ahmet Haji Lazanaki concerning the dispatchment of a copy of the warrant of attorney No. 16391.-1914-06-18
ACLEVJ00036.jpg.jpgNote accomapanying the documents' dispatchment concerning the case of Hanialaki, including the decision No 1420/1909 of the Court of First İnstance Lasithiou, the delivery of the a knowledgement to Mehmet Hanialaki.--
ACLEVJ00032.jpg.jpgApplication of the director (of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou) to the secretary of the Court of First Instance of Lasithiou asking for the dispatchment of copies of court documents related to cases concerning the directory.-1913-11-22
Letter of the Director Ahmet Veligoudi Hajiefendaki to the proxy of the Administration, Koundouron, asking him to try so as the drectorys objections concerning the tables and the appeal concerning objections of Mr. Kathri be discussed as soon as possible-1914-02-20
ACLEVJ00027.jpg.jpgLetter of administration's Director of the religious foundations Ahmet Veligoudi Hajiefendaki to Lawyer Alekon Foundoulaki informing that the directory notified its lawyer,Em. Miliaran, about the case's discussion with Moustafa Yeryeritaki.-1914-02-07
Lasithiou Court of First Instance checking of Georgiou Siganou and Emmanouil Siganou, represented by Lawyer Nikolos Yannakaki, against Lasithiou Administration of the Muslim Foundations, rpresented by director and Lawyer Mihail Kothri-1908-02-09
ACLEVJ00107.jpg.jpgMaliye Nezaret-i Celilesinden 22 Cemaziyelahir 1307 ve 1 Şubat 1305 tarihli Damga Resmi Kanununa tabi olan devair-i resmiye makbuz senetleri ile evrak-ı sareye iktiza eden damga pulu yapıştırılmasına dair damga kanunu. [10 Mayıs 1306]-1890-05-22
ACLEVJ00102.jpg.jpgYarapetre Hediye-i Askeri Komisyonu tarafından Kandiye Topçu Kaymakamlığı vasıtasıyla mübayaa ettirilen fes ve püsküllerin bedeli olan 474 kuruşu aldığına dair arif imzalı senet. [14 Mayıs 1302]-1886-05-26
ACLEVJ00073.jpg.jpgHousein Moutafakis as manager of the Administration of Ierapetro and Lasithiou Muslim Foundations and the Judge Ioanni Zografo ordered the shipment of a document to Ioanni Dimiliki-1911-12-28
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