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Note form the director (of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou) to Rejep Efendi accompanying to statements that should be signed by Mr. Kothrin and be immediately returned to the director.-1915-06-24
Directory of Muslim Foundations of Ierapetras Lasithiou, (Ierodikio Lasithiou)-1914-02-22
Telegraph of the Prefecture to Muslim Council of elders ordering that all its members should present themselves at the prefecture in order to give the oath of Greek Civil Servants. unless they're presented their function cannot be continued.-1913-12-22
ACLEVJ00002.jpg.jpgYerapetre Laşid Evkaf muhasebeciliği canib-i alisine gönderilen İbrahim Murat Efendi'den nasihatvari ihtaratın zarfı. [20 Nisan 1312]-1896-05-02
ACLEVJ00003.jpg.jpgReceipt of the bailiff of the Court of First Instance of Lasithiou for the acceptance of a document concerning the Administration of the Muslim Foundations.-1904-03-16
Letter of the Director (of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou) to Lawyer iosif Koundourakin asking that he should not represent the Administrations in court cases unless there is a former written order.-1913-09-16; 1913-11-10
ACLEVJ00007.jpg.jpgPapuşçuzade Şükrü Ağa tarafından 17 Teşrin-i Evvel 1304 tarihli istidası müzakere olunarak Furnis Kariyesi Camiinin nukud-ı mevkufesi cüziyattan olmasına rağmen, ibadete devam edilmesine dair karar. [26 Teşrin-i Evvel 1304]-1888-11-07
Estiye'de Laşid Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Katibi Elhac Receb Efendi'nin suub-ı behiyelerine. 25 Kanun-i Sani 1328 tarihli 33/23 rakamlı tahriratın mündericatına dair istida. [27 Kanun-i Sani 1328]-1913-02-09
Laşid İslam İhtiyar Meclisi azasından Ahmed Halil Lazanaki, Karabartalaki Ali, Hacı İbrahimaki Mehmed ve Kadıoğlaki Ali Efendilere mahsus davetname ve müsveddesi. [21 Şubat 1330]-1915-03-06
The Peace Tribunal Decides for the Lawsuit of Ali Veilaraki against Muslim Religious Foundations Directory of Represented by their Director, Mehmet Emin Hanezi İsmailaki, orders that the defendant pays as damage the court fees.-1906-11-20
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