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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Laşid Uyano Mirtos Çiftliği turabında Kocarus nam mahalde Evkafı Humayuna mülhak Ankebut Ahmed Ağa Cami Evkafından tarla ve zeytin ağaçlarının Mirtoslu Mariya Kiryakina Feragatiyle Mirtosluu evladlarından Despina Kiryakopola uhdesine ihalesi hakkında senet. [4 Haziran 1303]-1887-06-16
ACLEVPR00373.jpg.jpgHanyevizade Hacı Ahmed Ağa Medresesi Vakfı’ndan olup, Yerapetre Kasabası’nda bulunan icare-i vahideli akarın İltizama verilmesi hakkında müzayede takriri. [4 Mart 1296]-1880-03-16
ACLEVPR00326.jpg.jpgTowards the Committee for the Disposal of the Real Estate of the Administration of the Lasithiou Muslim Foundations: The applicant, (?) (Muslim name) offers 400 dr. for a farm in Zakatho, Sitia.-1921-10-03
Ahmet Zeki Azizakis sends the Council of Lasithiou Muslim Elders the certificates of his real estates in order to prove that he has the properties which are required for him to be appointed as Director of Administration of Muslim Foundations.-1906-08-01
Court case between Plaintiff: the Administration of Lasithiou Religious Foundations and Director Housein Moustafadakis, represented by the Lawyer Mihail Kothri, and the Defendant Mehmet Veis Chanialakis who failed to appear or to be represented in Court.-1911-12-21
To Mr. Rejep karahasanaki imamin at the Sitias Mosque. The Director asks him to call all the occupants of the Vakıf lands and to sign a leasing contract in presence of the Notary.-1904-09-07
ACLEVPR00267.jpg.jpgThe Directorate of Lasithiou Muslim Foundations asks Mr. Nikolaon Kakoulaki to pay the rent of hte previous year for the water of Kendri Fountain.-1904-07-20
ACLEVPR00244.jpg.jpgEstiye Kazası dahilindeki vakıf akarının iltizama verilmesi hususunda luzum görünen pusulaların tanzim edilmesine dair Estiye Avniye İmamı Receb Efendi'ye gönderilen takrir. [20 Ağustos 1320]-1904-09-02
Medrese dahilindeki akarat-ı vakıfın defteridir. [1308]-1892
Application of all the Ottoman Residents of the Villages: Parasporiou, Krion, Ayiou Mamantos, Dafnis and Roukakas, to the Directory of the Ewkaf of Lasithiou to found an Ottoman Mosque (Jamion) at the Vıllage of Parasporiou.-1908-06-28
Application of Mihail Kolovoutaki to Muslim Council of Elders of Lasithiou, concerning a conflict between him and the Directory for the Right of Cultivation of an estate as Simisatoras (the cultivator taking half of the production).-1914-05-01
ACLEVPR00158.jpg.jpgInvitation of the Religious Foundations Director of the Holy Court (Ierodikiou) to Konstantinon N. Fransifili, resident of Kato Horiou, to pay rents Jaredes and from the liberation (Apo Lefterosi) of Wakf estates, to the Directory Treasury.-1915-12-17
Letter of the Adminstration (of Muslim Religious Foundations) to Merchant Dimitrion Vazakin replying to his application to purchase the Wakf estate belonging to the Adminstration at the location Kambou the periphery of the Village Piskokefalou.-1915-12-21; 1915-12-29
ACLEVPR00151.jpg.jpgLetter of the Administration's Director of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou to Andrea Nikolodakin asking him to pay off the sum related to an unspecified sale document within a week.-1916-03-04
Decision of the Nomarch of Lasithiou validating Muslim Council of Elders' decisions which concerned the sale of estates belonging to Muslim Council of Elders in order to cover the debt owed to various lawyers for the court expenses.-1915-06-09
ACLEVPR00116.jpg.jpgLetter of the Director Ahmet Veligoudi Hajiefendaki to the Proxy of the Administration of the Religious Foundations, Em. Hourdakin, asking for his opinion concerning the Appeal of the opposite party in the case.-1914-01-25
ACLEVPR00101.jpg.jpgCami-i Şerifi Vakfiyesi’nden Petra Nam Mahal’deki vakıf akarının mültezimi bulunan Kadıoğlaki Ramazan ve Kefili Usta Mehmedaki Receb Efendi'nin İltizam bedellerinin tahsili zımnında müessesat-ı Diniye Dairesi Katibi Karahaki'nin. [22 Teşrin-i Evvel 1328]-1912-11-04
ACLEVPR00083.jpg.jpgRokaka Kariyesindeki Petra Nam Mahaldeki akar ile ilgili karar alınması hususunda Laşid Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye Müdürünün yazısı. [30 Ağustos 1332]-1916-09-12
ACLEVPR00059.jpg.jpgEvkaf Dairesinin muzayakasından dolayı iltizam eylediği akarın 6. ve 7. taksitleri karşılığında 50 drahmi 15 leptayı göndermelerine dair Baba Alaki Mustafa Efendiye tekid mektubu. [10 Ağustos 1332]-1916-08-23
Müdüriyet tarafından müzayedeye çıkarılan akaratın son pey veren müşterilere teslim ve temliki veya adem-i temliki hususunda meclisin toplanmasına dair Laşid Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Müdürü Ahmed Veliyüddin’in yazısı. [6 Ağustos 1331]-1915-08-19
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