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Receipt signed by Gaipis Odapahiakis, carpenter, for the sum of 140 drahm. payed by Nikolaou Em. Pouli, for the repairement of a door at the building rented to him by the Administration of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou.-1913-09-28
ACLEVF00221.jpg.jpgInvitation of the Religious Foundations' Director of the Holy Court (Ierodikiou) of Lasithiou to Yeoryion Remediki, Ioanin Psoraki and Ahmet Haji ivrahimak to pay the sum of 307 drahmas, according to the warrant for payment, to the Directory's Treasury.-1915-12-12
ACLEVF00219.jpg.jpgInvitation filled in Ottoman (the text written at the side of the page) of the Religious Foundations' Director of the Holy Court's (Ierodikiou) Periphery of Lasithiou, for the payment of a debt to the Directory's Treasury.-1916
ACLEVF00216.jpg.jpgForm of invitation of Muslim Religious Foundations' Director of the Holy Court's (Ierodikiou) periphery of Lasithiou concerning the payment of owed sums to the Treasury of the Directory.-1916
ACLEVF00212.jpg.jpgTable including the petitioners names and the revenues of the Holy Court (Ierodikiou) Lasithiou for the Month of June 1907, of a total sum of 11,10 drah.-1907-07
ACLEVF00211.jpg.jpgAknowledgement of the Holy Judge (Ierodikis) of Lasithiou, Moustafa Rahit, to the Supreme Directory of Education that the revenues of the Holy Court of the month of June 1907 amounted to 11,10 drah.-1907-07-10
Form for a telegraph of Muslim Religious Foundations' Administration's Director to Midihat Kaleraki accompanying dispatchment of 800 (drahma), asking him to deliver to Kothrin and obtain a discharge receipt for the contract of Notary Vasiliou Pandoula.-1915-08-29
ACLEVF00208.jpg.jpgLetter of the Director (of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou) to Mr. Mitsotakin informing him that he received his letter and asking him to dispatch the justifying documents for the co-calculation of the sums of 40 and 27,90 drah.-1915-08-11
ACLEVF00202.jpg.jpgLetter of the Administration's Director of Muslim Religious Foundations to Lawyer iosif Koundouron informing for cheques received by the Administration of Mr. Modatso.-1915-01-05
ACLEVF00196.jpg.jpgLetter to Mihail Kothri concerning the Yipedou's expenses of Community or Kato Horiou's anonymous offerings, sum for Orphans Properties' Supervisory, Pembes Spinalongitopoulas' expenses, the auction's sum of (estate of)Huseyn Kapetanaki are calculated.-1914-08-20
Letter of the Director Ahmet Veligoudin to Lawyer Yeoryie Mitsotaki, concerning the 2 cases of Genan? Karaparialaki and the appeal of Kaliopis Tsandiraki, which Mr. Kothris Assigned to Yeoryie Mitsotaki and received after demand the compensation.-1914-04-26
Cheque issued of Lawyer Mihail Kothri and delivered to the Administration's Director of the Religious Foundations of the Holy Court's (Ierodikiou) periphery, Emin Efendi Haji İsmailaki, concerning the payment of 11,60 drahmas as court expenses.-1904-08-19
ACLEVF00186.jpg.jpgInvitation of the Religious Foundations' Director of the Holy Court's (Ierodikiou) periphery of Lasithiou to the Parishal Committee of the Village Kato Horiou Fournis of the District of Neapoleos, to pay the sum of 210,05 drahmas.-1913-12-22
ACLEVF00174.jpg.jpgLetter of Lawyer Konst. Stamatakis to Muslim Religious Foundations' Director of Lasithiou informing him that the case of the foundations against Mehmet Chanialaki will be discussed and asking for a compensation of 100 drahmon.-1914-01-16
Laşid İslam İhtiyar Meclisi Huzuruna. Laşid Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresinin vekili avukatlarının alacaklarına dair Laşid Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Müdürü Ahmed Veliyüddin imzalı yazı. [15 Teşrin-i Sani 1329]-1913-11-28
ACLEVF00155.jpg.jpgLaşid Müessesat-ı Diniye Dairesinin Mahkeme masrafları olarak medyun olduğu miktarın ödenebilmesi için daireye ait emlak-i mevkufenin satılarak borçların ödenmesine dair Laşid Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdürü Maytofaki Hüseyin'in yazısı. [11 Haziran 1327]-1911-06-24
ACLEVF00147.jpg.jpgEstiye Mekteb-i İptidaiye Heyeti Reisi Kakul Kadıoğlunun kendisine gönderilen tahriratlar üzerine Babalaki Mustafa Efendiye ait borçların tesviyesi üzerine bir ilm-i haber verilmesine dair yazı. [16 Mayıs 1331]-1915-05-28
ACLEVF00140.jpg.jpgYerapetre, Estiye Kazalarının 3 Cami-i Şerifine lazım olan hasırların gönderilmesi masrafların Laşid Postahanesinden gönderileceğine dair Laşid İhtiyar Meclisi Reisi Ve Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Müdürü Ahmed Veliyüddin imzalı mektup. [10 Haziran 1330]-1914-06-23
ACLEVF00136.jpg.jpgHanyevizadeganın Mekteb ve Medreseleri Vakfı'ndan Yerapetre Kasabası'ndaki vakıf konağının tahliye olunan abdesthanesinin çukurunun masarif-i tahliyesi olan parayı vakıf varidatından olmak üzere Laşid Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair pusula. [3 Haziran 1305]-1889-06-15
ACLEVF00123.jpg.jpgYeniköy'de Karakaş Ahmed Ağa Cami-i Şerifi'nin 1288 senesi Kanun-i Sani başlangıcından 1289 senesi Haziran sonuna kadarki zeytinyağı bedelinin Laşid Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair adı geçen camii imamı Abdülhalim imzalı pusula. [27 Mayıs 1289]-1873-03-20
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