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ACLEVF00259.jpg.jpgHoly Court of Ierapetrou. Towards Fotini Papadaki wife of Georgiou Makaraki, she is asked to appear at court. She has a debt of 112.23 dr. towards the Administration of Muslim Foundations-1909-06-19
Yenişehir Cami-i Şerifi minaresinin ikmal-i inşası için Evkaf Sandığı'ndan itası Meclisi Umumi-i Vilayet İslam Azasının Heyeti hususiyesince karargir olan 5000 kuruşa mahsuben 1000 kuruşu Laşid Evkaf Sandığı'ndan ahz olunduğuna dair mazbata. [19 Eylül 1311]-1895-10-01
Cheque issued of Lawyer Mihail Kothri and delivered to the Administration's Director of the Religious Foundations of the Holy Court's (Ierodikiou) periphery Emin Efendi Haji İsmailaki, concerning the payment of 9,10 drahmas as court expenses.-1904-08-19
ACLEVF00158.jpg.jpgLaşid İslam İhtiyar Meclisi Heyet-i Muhteremelerine. Daire aleyhine avukatlar tarafından tebliğ olunan mahkeme masraflarının ayrıntılarına dair daire müdürü vazifesini ifa eden daire Katibi Harahaki'nin yazısı. [1 Kanun-i Evvel 1328]-1912-12-14
ACLEVF00160.jpg.jpgYerapetre İslam Mektebi için alınacak bazı levazımın bedelinin Mahalli Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye Sandığı'ndan kendisine ita olunması hususunda Yerapetre İslam Mektebi Muallimi imzalı dilekçe. [22 Eylül 1329]-1913-10-05
ACLEVF00222.jpg.jpgInvitation of the Religious Foundations' Director of the Holy Court's (Ierodikiou) Periphery of Lasithiou filled in Ottoman (the text is written at the side of the page) for the payment of a sum to the Directory's Treasury.-1913-01-08
ACLEVF00201.jpg.jpgLetter of Muslim Religious Foundations' Director of Lasithiou to Emanouil Spanaki concerning the dispatchment of the sum of 65,20 drahmas from of Em. Spanaki the Administration's Proxy, forepayed by the Director.-1915-01-03
ACLEVF00225.jpg.jpgApplication of Halimes Saklzilopoulas, resident of Ierapetrou, in front of Muslim Council of Elders of Lasithiou, asking for money for the burying of her deceased mother, Fatoume Sakizilina, due to her being widow and having no support.-1912-02-01
Letter of Lawyer Konst. Stamatakis to Muslim Religious Foundations' Director of Lasithiou informing about the discussion of the case of Mehmet Chanialaki and asking for the sum of 40 drahmas due to a rise at court fees.-1914-07-06
ACLEVF00247.jpg.jpgNot filled in receipt book of the Holy Court (Ierodikion) Lasithiou--
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