2371-2380 / 2532
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACLEVE00003.jpg.jpgLetter of the Administration's Director of Muslim Religious Foundations to the President of the Supervisory Council of Primary Schools of Merambelou complaining the lack of response to the dispatchment of the decision of Muslim Council of Elders.-1915-11-18
ACLEVE00002.jpg.jpgYerapetre İslam Mektebinin Rumca ve Türkçe Lisanlarında hazırlanan tedrisat-ı umumiyesi programının tedkiki hususunda Yerapetre İslam Mektebi mualliminin istirhamı. [21 Kanun-i Sani 1326]-1911-02-03
The Director of the Lasithinou Muslim Foundations asks Mr. Emmanouil Moudatson to deliver the apology of Selim Odabasaki to Papamastoraki-1904-11-01
ACLEVF00013.jpg.jpgReceipt of the the representative of the Ottoman Bank for the receipt of a sum of 50 drahmes for Huseyn Moutafakis expenses of the Administrator of the Ottoman Bank in Lassithi-1910-06-05
ACLEVF00019.jpg.jpgReceipt of Huseyn Halvajakis for receiving 15 drahmes of the Director of the Ewkaf of Lasithiou for carpenters and handymans work at the Mosque ? at Sitia.-1907-10-28
Eytam Müdüriyeti ile Laşid Sancağı Mutasarrıflığı arasındaki muhaberat. [1289-1292]-1873; 1877
Letter of the Administration's Director of the Religious Foundations of Lasithiou to its proxy, Iosif Koundouron, concerning the a knowledgement of a table validated by the Court of appeal of Chania and submitted by Emanouil Modatsos to the administration-1913-12-24; 1914-01-03
ACLEVO00005.jpg.jpgLaşid Sancağı İslam Eytam Sandığı Müdiriyeti Canib-i Alisine gönderilen Eytam Sandığı akçesinden ekli listede belirtilen altı kişinin sandığa olan borçlarının tahsil olunduğuna dair Hüseyin Sıtkı Efendi'nin talebi [24 Şubat 1297]-1882-03-08
ACLEVJ00046.jpg.jpgLetter of the Administration's Director of Muslim Religious Foundations To iosif Koundouron replying to his complain letter and stating that discussed matter concerns compilation of a decision of Muslim Council of Elders related to a contractorship.-1914-08-23
ACLEVJ00009.jpg.jpgLaşid Eytam ve Emval Nazırının umuruna binaen, tereke, muhasebe ve kararnameler defatirlerinin tedarik edilmesine dair Nazır Hüseyin Hüsnü imzalı dilekçe. [6 Teşrin-i Evvel 1318]-1902-10-19
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