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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Announcement of the former Heih Sorei Efenti. Against the Muslim Elders of Iraklion. Detailed list of things whose ownership is disputed.-1922-01-10
ACIEVJ00003.jpg.jpgApplication of the Council of the Muslim Elders to the Nomarch of Iraklion asking for the imprisonment of Arif Trampoza due to his being dangerous because of his mental situation.-1911-02-03
The writer M. Nikoulakis (?) informs Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders that last Tuesday there had been the discussion of the law suit of Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elder against Nikolaou and Georgiou Katsapazi in the Kaloyeron Magistrate's Court.-1907-03-20
ACIEVJ00005.jpg.jpgİslam Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdiriyeti tarafından kadı ve kadı vekilinin tezkeresinde Tafalanaki Hüsnü Efendi'nin dini hizmetlerden yasaklanmasına dair Maarif ve Mezahib Nezareti Hukuk Müşavirliği Meclisi'nden çıkan kararnamenin Hüsnü Efendi'ye tebliği.-1920-12-15
ACIEVJ00053.jpg.jpgMufad karaname vechiyle icab ve iktizasına icra olunmak üzere keyfiyetin tasdikine karar verildi ibaresi yazılı 655 no.lu karar. [24 Eylül 1317]-1901-10-07
ACIEVJ00034.jpg.jpgTowards the General Administration of Crete (no 1814/1215) Iraklion. The Muslim Elders of Iraklion submit their decision no 1834 of 14th August 1914 in order to be approved.-1914-08-19
ACIEVJ00022.jpg.jpgNote of the Director of Muslim Council of Elders of Iraklion, Fazil, to the Supreme Directory of Primary Education, accompanying the dispatch of the decisions no. 23, 24 and 25.-1900-07-28
Letter of Muslim Council of Elders of Iraklion to the Prefecture asking for the punishment of Hilmi Halilakis, who was seen entering the Defterdar Mosque at night, and leaving dirtiness (akatharsies).-1907-12-02
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