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Report of Muslim Council of Elders to his highness the prince concerning the tearing down of the Christian residents of Merambelo of part of the Spinalonga Mosque and the omitting of parts of its interiors in order to be transformed into a church.-1900-08-24
ACIEVJ00007.jpg.jpgNote to the Nomarch of Rethymno of Muslim Council of Elders regarding the situation concerning the orphans of Iraklion.-1912-09-10
Halife-i Müslümin Mehmed Reşad Han Hazretlerinin vuku-ı irtihali ile yerine Sultan Mehmed Vahideddin Han'ın iclası hususunun camilerde hatiplere tebliğine dair ilm-i haber.-1918-07-02; 1918-06-24
Çeşitli kaza ve köylerden Kandiye Evkaf ve Eytam Müdüriyet-i Aliyesi'ne hitaben gönderilen takrirlerin suretlerini ihtiva eden defter.-1904; 1906
ACIEVJ00020.jpg.jpgNote of the president of Muslim Council of Elders of Iraklion (?) to the Prefecture accompanying the dispatch of the decision of the Council no. 50/25 (8-9-1900) for approval.-1900-09-12
Order from the public prosecutor of the Court of Appeal of Iraklion to Mourataki Vefak, merchant and resident of Iraklion, to be present at the session of May 1918 of the Criminal Court of Iraklion as a curyman.-1918-04-25
ACIEVJ00067.jpg.jpgKandiye İslam İhtiyar Meclisi'nin almış olduğu karar suretleri-1913-11-17
Hamzas Arapahbiakis against Emman. Lidaki. Court of Appeal.-1900; 1912
ACIEVJ00055.jpg.jpgAdab-ı İslamiye ve ahlak-ı milliye konularında camilerde uygun nasihatler verilmesine dair takrir. [9 Şubat 1330]-1915-02-22
Tevsi-i intikal için varaka bedeli olarak ayrıca 10 kuruş varaka bedeli alınmasına dair emirnamenin bir nüshasının çıkarılmasına dair karar. [4 Mart 1303]-1887-03-16
Kandiye Livası Evkaf muhasebatının tetkikine dair karar. [29 Mart 1300]-1884-04-10
Court of First Instance consisted by Emmanouil Pannigirakis, Adonios Perakakis, Dimitris Kouezourakis adversaries: Minas Samatas, represented by his Lawyer Emmanouil Logadou, against Mejit Hacimemih Aga Mosque, represented by Lawyer Konstadinou Stamatakis.-1910-05-04; 1911-11-09
ACIEVJ00043.jpg.jpgKendilerinden istenilen 5 cetveli hazırlayıp ekte gönderdiklerine dair tahrirat.-1919-10-06
Towards the Prefecture of Iraklion. The president of the Muslim Elders of Iraklion submits to the Nomarch the decision no: 1178 so that he approves of it [3 January 1912].-1912-01-03
ACIEVJ00027.jpg.jpgLetter towards the Nomarch's Office of Iraklion (nomarhian Iraklion). The president of the Muslim Elders of Iraklion notifies the Nomarch of Iraklion about a decision the Elders have taken and asks to be accepted.-1916-07-26
Council of the Muslim Elders accepts the requests of Iraklion and Lasithi Orphan Bank.-1901-04-26
ACIEVJ00004.jpg.jpgApplication of the Council of the Muslim Elders to the Nomarch of Iraklion For the approval of a decision of the former.-1919-12-04
ACIEVJ00063.jpg.jpg1319 senesi Receb ve Şaban aylarının başlangıcına dair Kandiye Livası Naib Vekili Hacı Mehmed'in tahriratı. [13 Teşrin-i Evvel 1319]-1903-10-26
28 yaşındaki Hasan Efendi'nin mecelle ahkamınca 15 yaşını geçmiş ve Cemaat-i İslamiye'ye mahsus nizamnameye göre 21 yaş sınır kabul edildiğinden adı geçen kişinin baliğ kabul edilmesine dair alınan karar. [12 Kanun-i Evvel 1316]-1900-12-25
Office of the Lawyer G. Th. Dokoumejidou, Iraklion adversaries: Ottoman Bank for the Orphan against Georg. Mitsotakis towards the Court of Appeal.-1907-10-16
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