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Announcement of the former Heih Sorei Efenti. Against the Muslim Elders of Iraklion. Detailed list of things whose ownership is disputed.-1922-01-10
Letter of Muslim Council of Elders of Iraklion to the Prefecture asking for the punishment of Hilmi Halilakis, who was seen entering the Defterdar Mosque at night, and leaving dirtiness (akatharsies).-1907-12-02
ACIEVJ00034.jpg.jpgTowards the General Administration of Crete (no 1814/1215) Iraklion. The Muslim Elders of Iraklion submit their decision no 1834 of 14th August 1914 in order to be approved.-1914-08-19
ACIEVJ00022.jpg.jpgNote of the Director of Muslim Council of Elders of Iraklion, Fazil, to the Supreme Directory of Primary Education, accompanying the dispatch of the decisions no. 23, 24 and 25.-1900-07-28
İzmir'de sakine Esma ve Hamide binti Hüseyin Akideçaki'nin İzmir Vilayeti'nin Yunan Sefarethanesi'nde tanzim vekaletnameyle Hanya'da sakin Karolaki Emin ibn Mahmud Efendi Vekaletiyle Kandiyeli Hacı Mehmedaki Salih arasındaki davanın tutanak ve kararı.-1916-05-26
ACIEVJ00009.jpg.jpgKandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye Müdiriyeti Canib-i Alisi'ne gönderilmiştir. Yerapetre Mahkeme-i Şeriyye Katibi Osman Şevki'nin 15 Eylül 1337 tarihli 1795 no.lu tahriratı işleme koymuş olduğuna dair yazısı. [21 Eylül 1307]-1891-10-03
Temnos Kazası Feksika Kariyesi sakinlerinden ve reçberden Coraki Halil Ağa ile Kandiye Eytam-ı İslam Sandığı Dairesi Müdürü Aşcızade Hüseyin Behçet Efendi arasındaki akd-i ikrar mukavelesi.-1893-08-17
The substitute Iraklion Muftis Mehmed K…(?) asks the captain to force Ali Mavrommataki or Topaltaki to come in the Holy Court for the case between him and his ex wife Seadet Tselepopoulas.-1917-09-30
Letter of city of Crete, Municipality of Iraklion, at Iraklion to the Administration of the Muslim Elders of Iraklion concerning decisions no. 1821/1673, 1820/1672, 820/1672 and 1821/1673.-1901-04-19
ACIEVJ00002.jpg.jpgApproval of the decision of the Council of the Muslim Elders written at the document no 48/26 be the Nomarch of Iraklion.-1919-07-06
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