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Application of I. Loulakis to the Director of the Ewkaf of Irakliou offering an increased price of 3% for the deserted shop located at the Market Vezir of Irakliou sold at auction.-1901-11-09
ACIEVPR00085.jpg.jpgHacı Hasan Ağa Vakfı'ndan Kandiye'de Kızıl Tabya Mahallesi'nde Etrafı Nuri Ağa arsası, Makuya Fatma kahvehanesiyle çevrili arsa üzerine Osman Ustazaki Dülger Nuri Ağa'nın inşa eylediği gayr-ı menkulü Nikola Yoruçaki'ye rehin bırakıldığına dair belge. [3 Rebiyül-Evvel 1309]-1891-10-07
ACIEVPR00068.jpg.jpgStatement of Nikolaou Saklabanaki that he offers a higher bid of 5%from the final offer at the public auction held on the 8th of July 1901 concerning the leasing of meat-selling shops, for the leasing of the shop located at the Market of Avdourahman Pasa.-1901-07-11
ACIEVPR00074.jpg.jpgApplication of Rasidaki, merchant, to the Director of Muslim Council of Elders, offering the sum of 165 drahmes for the purchase of half a masoura of water, which was temporarily validated at the public auction to Antoniou Kapetanaki.-1901-11
Muslim Council of Elders decision concerning the sale of a metoch assigned to the Mosque Findiki Haji Mehmet Pahia for a sum of 1100 ikosafranga to the mayors, Pandelis Hajimanolakis, Konst. Malinos, Anagnostis Yeorganakis and Pavlos Anagnostakis.-1901-02-26
The Tekke's Mutevelli Ivraim Baba Afendakakis states at Muslim Council of Elders that he had sold a field located in the site of the Teke at the periphery of the village and belonging to the Wakf, to Nikol. Sakelaridin, estate.-1900-10-09
ACIEVPR00039.jpg.jpgThe Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations of Irakliou asks from Mustafa Suleymanaki, butcher (Kreopoli), if he accepts the rise of the rent of a house, controlled by the Directory.-1921-07-31
ACIEVPR00045.jpg.jpgNote accompanying the dispatchment of the decision of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou, no. 106, to the Prefecture.-1922-02-14
ACIEVPR00032.jpg.jpgThe Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations asks from Panayioti Kromidaki, cloth-seller if he accepts the rise of the rent of the house located at the neighbourhood defterdar, No. 30, controlled by the Directory as an anonymous offering.-1921-08-07
Arap Ahmedzade Hamza Kandiye Girid antetli 530 no.lu ve 11 Mart 1915 tarihli beyannamenin tanziminden sonra Nazım Bey'in tahsilatını ve Nazım Bey'in icar bedelini gösteren belgeler.--
ACIEVPR00022.jpg.jpgProceeidings of auction for the estates of the orphans of Jemali Yusufaki located at the periphery of the village Vourvouliti of the District Kenouriou.-1904-10-25
Defterdar Ahmed Efendi Cami Vakfı'ndan Kandiye'de Defterdar Ahmed Efendi Mahallesi'ndeki hanenin 13,5/30 hissesinin mutasarrıfı Şerbetçaki Mustafa bin İbrahim bila veled öldüğünden hanenin hissedarı Şerbetçaki Sinan Ağa'nın uhdesine ihalesine dair karar. [4 Teşrin-i Evvel 1304]-1888-10-16
Fazıl Ahmed Paşa Camii Vakfından Kadrohori Kariyesi'nde tarlanın mahlulünden icara verileceğine dair müzayede pusulası. [15 Şubat 1302]-1887-02-27
Kandiye'de hayratı bulunan merhum Dizdar İsmail Ağa'nın tersane yakınında Evkaf'tan Mirambela Nahiyesi Karaca Kariyesi hududundaki Kebribahçe mahalde bir bahçe vesair ağaçlarına mutasarrıf olan Dizdarzade Mehmed Bey Papa Kostanti Lano'ya feragat seneti. [1262]-1851
Abdurrahman Paşa Cami-i Şerifi Vakfı'ndan aynı adlı çarşıda bulunan bir dükkanın 1/3 hissesinin sahibi Simazaki Papuşçu Hasan Ağa oğlu Ali Atıf Efendi'nin diyar-ı aherde bila veled vefat ettiğinden mezkur dükkanın mahlül olduğuna dair takrir. [3 Mart 1301]-1885-03-15
Documents related to the auction for the sale of an olive tree belonging to the Directory of Iraklio Muslim Religious Foundation, the tree is located within the field of Emm. Halkiadakis at the periphery of the village Moshera of Monofatsi.-1918-04-01
ACIEVPR00543.jpg.jpgStatement of Stavros Hronakis, resident of Iraklio, before the Director of the Muslim Council of Elders (?). Hronakis offers a higher price for the lease of a shop belonging to the Council of Elders(?) in the context of an auction procedure.--
Omer Tefki, delegate of the Manager of Properties of the Haji Mehmet Passa Mosque, Zeinep Loutfie Hanoumis Saratsakis, who lives in Kostadinopoli, states that he had spent a lot of money in order to go to Kostadinopolis.-1911-05-15
Leasing auction concerning a residence of the Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations In the City of Irakliou, former Muslim school, on Moukabelaji Street, Vezir Quarter, from 1916/ 1332 to 1918/ 1334 fortified to Aposvolas (?) for 10 dr.-1916-07-10; 1916-08-21
Kandiye İslam Müessesat-ı Diniye'ye ait akarattan 3'ü satılmaları için Müessesat-ı Diniye Dairesinde İhale olunmuştur. Akarların ihalelerine dair Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi'ne izin verilmesine dair Müessesat-ı Diniye Katip Vekili Mehmed Halaçaki'nin yazısı.-1915-12-16
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