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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Abdurahman Paşa Cami-i Şerif Vakfı'ndan Maloviz Kazası, Viranköy'de Molla Hüseyin Mahallesi'ndeki zeytinliğin vakfa ait olan 1/4 hissesinin satılması hususunda müzayede pusulası. [12 Mart 1306]-1890-03-24
Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiyeye ait Meydan Çarşısı'ndaki dükkanın ihale kılındığı Toni Leon kontratonun tanzimine gelmediğinden dükkanın müzayedeye çıkarılıp Yuanni Kokinaki'ye kiralandığına dair Kandiye Müessesat-ı İslamiye Müdürü'nün yazısı.-1923-06-14; 1923-06-16
The Council accepts the proposition made by the Director of the Iraklio Muslim Foundations to sell the farms out of Mavrakia Village through auction highest bid by Em. Giannadaki (91 dr.)-1905-12-08
The Prefect of Iraklio confirms that the Director of the Muslim Foundations has the right to sell to Ismet Hanoumis Haji İsmail Begopoulas, Manager (Moutevelinas) of the offerings to Haji İsmail Vei, a farm baught in the name of the concerned foundation.-1911-04-26
Kandiye'de Hacı İsmail'in Çeşmesi Evkafı'ndan Pezit Varvaros (?) Kariyesi'ndeki Iskalo Vrahor (?) hududunda Potamo mahalinde tahminen 1,5 mezroluk tarlaya 1/3 nispetinde mutasarrıf olan Sakazaki Hüseyin Ağa mahlulundan müzayede pusulası. [5 Mayıs 1303]-1887-05-17
Judgement by Muslim Dimogerondia of Iraklio about rent - Kandiye şehrindeki akaratlar ile ilgili alınan kararlar. [6 Eylül 1333-22 Ağustos 1334]-1917-09-06; 1918-12-20
Menufac kazası, Protorya Kariyesi'nde sakinken vefat eden Ali İslamaki'nin geride bıraktığı Nuri adlı yetiminin vasisine merkumun mutasarrıf gayr-i menkul emlakin iltizama verilmesi hususunda mezuniyet verilmesine dair alınan karar.-1901-10-24
ACIEVPR00188.jpg.jpgHousein Mbouhlakis, resident of Irakliou States that he accepts the rise at the rent of the shop he rents from the Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations at the Open Market (Agora) of Valide Tzami.-1921-08-25
Leasing Through auction of a shop of the Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations. The leasing will begin on the 1 September 1916 - end August 1918. The terms of the leasing are determined by the Muslim Elders of Irakliou. Tenant: Alex. Xidianakis.-1916-07-10
The Muslim Elders of Irakliou. Selling through auction the cemetery at the Village Ardakti(?) bought by Emm. Pitsidianaki, resident of Kato Ardaktion for 310 dr. approval of the Muslim Elders to conduct the auction at the Ano Ardahthia of Monofatsiou.-1914-04-15
Application of Lawyer Mihail Saklambanaki, resident of Irakliou towards the Muslim Elders of Irakliou: Hatzi Sourouris Abdoulah bought from Annis Petropoulou and put his house in mortgage. Sourouris died his house became Efkiafiou property.-1901-01-20
The file bearing the title: trial parties: Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations against Hilmies Bijaksopoulas or Hajiselimopoulas and others, lawcourt: president of the judges of the Courts of First Instance.-1918-07-25
The Prefect cancels the Elders' Council decision to sell to H. Mehmet Asiraki vakif properties without an auction.-1901-02-26
Proceedings of the public auction concerning the sale of the wakf estates located at the periphery of the villages Ano (up) and Kato (down) Arhanes and Aisilas to Mehmet Aspraki, represented by Hasan Mourat Varotakis, land-owner.-1901-04-22
Kandiye'de Hacı Mehmed Paşa Cami-i Şerifi Evkafı'ndan Yerapetre Kazası, Yaniça Köyü'nde bir akarın Melike Hanım'ın tasarrufuna verildiğine dair müsvedde.--
Ivraim Ahkiakis, milk-seller and resident of Irakliou, sells to Huseyn Gafianos(?) Safidakis, grocer and resident of Irakliou, his house located at the neighbourhood Palta Jami of Irakliou, at the Mikro (Little) Tsarsaki.-1904-04-27
Decision of the Council of the Muslim Elders of Herakion about the repairment and the renting of the water reservoir.-1920-12-21
Kandiye Evkaf-ı Şerife nukud-ı mevkufesinden medyun olan Kaılaktaki Süleyman Efendi'nin borcunun kendisinden ve kefillerinden tesviyesi hakkında takrir. [6 Teşrin-i Evvel 1304]-1888-10-18
Documents related to the auction for the sale of a field belonging to the Directory of Iraklio Muslim Religious Foundation, of a size-production of 1 muzura and located at the periphery of the village Moshera of Monofatsi.-1918-04-01
Documents related to the auction for the sale of a field belonging to Directory of Iraklio Muslim Religious Foundations, of a size-production of 4 muzuria and located at the periphery of the village Moshera of Monofatsi.-1918-04-01
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