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Vorria Village, Bazeli Metohi, Monofatsiou in the name of Lawyer Kostadinou Stamataki, representing Irakliou Ottoman Bank for the Orphans and the Director Housein Bezit Astsaki, resident of Irakliou: list or real estate owned by the Ottoman Bank.-1906-08-22
ACIEVPR00432.jpg.jpg24 numaralı hanenin 1 aylık kira bedeli olan 5 drahminin kiracısı tarafından varid-i sandık olduğuna dair makbuz ilm-i haberi [27 Teşrin-i Evvel 1303]-1887-11-08
In presence of Irakliou Notary Efstratiou P. Vourdoumaki: Hiahver Hanoumi, daughter of Jemali Favoulaki, wife of İsmail Begaki, housewife, resident of Irakliou and her husband İsmail Begakis, employee of Irakliou Evkaf, resident of Irakliou, agreed on.-1913-01-15
The prefect approves the decision no. 6376 by Irakliou Elders to authorize the Director to pay money to the heirs of the late Moustafa Kakedaki and Refit Tsaousaki, in order to buy a farm in the Potamies Village, former Muslim cemetery.-1909-12-08
The Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations sells vakif lands at the periphery of Thrajanou Pediados Village, former Muslim cemetery highest bid by Mihail Foudoulakis (325 dr.)-1917-09-03
The Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations sells vakif land at the periphery of Martha Pediados Village, at the 'Mastoros' location, the former Muslim cemetery highest bid by Adoniou Hajidaki, lawyer, resident of Irakliou (155 dr.)-1918-04-01
ACIEVPR00377.jpg.jpgApplication by Ali Kaimaki, resident of Irakliou, towards the inspector of the properties of the Muslim Orphans in Irakliou Prefecture.-1904-04-19
Invitation by the Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations, represented by the Director Memet Halatsaki, resident of Irakliou against…--
Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiyeye ait Evkaf-ı Umumiyeden Abdurrahman Paşa Çarşısındaki 53 no.lu kahvehanenin Eylül 1332 (1916)-Ağustos 1334 (1918) dönemi için Kandiye İslam İhtiyar Meclisi tarafından müzayedeye konulduğuna dair ilan. [1 Temmuz 1332]-1916-07-10; 1916-10-15
In presence of the Iraklio Notary Ioannou G. Kalemmkiaraki Housein Agas Semerjakis, farmer, representing Kameris Rehitopoulas of Rehit sells to Housein Rehitakis, son of Ahmet, a farm at Topalti Irakliou location.-1901-06-29
19 Kanun-i Evvel 1916'da Kandiye mukavelat muharrirlerinden Eftiratos ve Zumbakinin muvacehesinde tanzim edilen bey' hücceti-1916-12-19
Kandiye, Pendiye Kazası, Zira Strakos Kariyesi'ndeki Mescid-i Şerif'in tamiri elzemse de hayratındaki akçeyle bir miktarı tamir olmuşsa da tamirine muvaffak olunmadığından Canib-i Evkaf'tan muavenet olunmasına dair kariye ahali-i müslimesinin istidası.-1883-04-25
ACIEVPR00222.jpg.jpgDibaki, Aya Antuan, Kisevi, Galikorya Makarikaryona, Temneli, Rafti, Vasilika Anoya'da üç yerde (Barbaros, Volerados ve Maveryano) ve Vorvoliti adlı kariyelerde mezaristanların vesair arsaların bulunduğu mevkileri belirten pusula.-1905-10-15
In front of the Notary Emmanouil Galenianou and the witnesses Nikolaou Kassapaki, Barber and Andreou Migadi, Coffee seller: Emmanouil Sapountzakis asked for this document in order to prove that he accepts the increase, according to the law, of the rent.-1921-08-10
Proclamation of auction, Iraklio. At the Muslim cemetery at the periphery of the village Zoforous Pediados, land of three mouzouria. Terms of the auction and detailed list of participants at the auction.-1914-07-24
Kefillerin mal varlığına dair liste. [5 Kanun-i Sani 1298]-1883-01-17
The Court (Efetio) of Irakliou. Case about real estate and auction.-1909-11-11
A commitee consisted of Nikiforakis, Georgiou and Galinakis decided that the efkiaf shops of Irakliou on Street 27 (the shops' shed) are about to collapse and are dangerous and therefore the commitee orders that they are demolished within 8 days.-1914-03-26
Hatitze Agkourakopoula ex - resident of the Village Printi Maleviziou, now resident of Smirnis (izmir) sells real estate to Tselebis Velanis. Witnesses: Mustafa Halepraki(?), Hüseyin Feimaki, Ioannou Stavrakaki, Theodorouvoureksaki. Notary: Vlahakis.-1904-04-15
Decision of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou approving of the suggestion of the Mutevelli of the Tekke of the Horasanidi Ali Baba to purchase a field located at the Top Alti and bordering with the Tekke, containing olive trees.-1906-08-09
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