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ACIEVPR00538.jpg.jpginvitation to Ahmet Besim Saredaki (from the part of same unidentified sender as in the preceding entry) to allocate (auction for the leasing?) of the rural estates of the Horasanli Ali Baba Tekke located in the periphery of the Villages Kalessa and Voni.-1904-10-09
In presence of Irakliou Notary Emmanouil K. Lassithiotaki: Stilianos Georgiou, Mayor of Irakliou City and Hamoujas Arapahmetakis, trader and land owner, resident of Irakliou agreed on.-1913-09-06
ACIEVPR00512.jpg.jpgAuction organized by the Director of Irakliou Administration of the Muslim Foundations Mehmet Halatsaki and the Elders under the presidency of Vasih Aspraki, concerning the no 3 vakif shop at the Deftedar Quarter.-1916-07-28
Irakliou Evkaf leases through auction the no 16 shop in the market from September 1916/1332, to August 1918/1334, for 10 dr.-1916-07-10; 1916-08-31
ACIEVPR00479.jpg.jpgApplication by Sait Arnaoutaki towards the Irakliou Muslim Foundations. The applicant pays 300 dr. as a guarantee for the vakif real estate in Pedamadi Village, thus the mosque and the former Muslim cemetery.-1920-11-28
Irakliou Council of Muslim Elders. Director of Evkaf Housein Vezat informs Mr. Vaisli Fandridi that in Tourtouli Village, there are land properties of the Hieh izrai Teke Vakif and therefore he has to pay a compensation of 29. 22 dr. to the Teke.-1907-10-31
Ser Turna Mahallesi'ndeki Derviş Ağa Vakfı'ndan olup hanesinin içindeki su haznesinin suyu belediyece kesilmiş olduğu ve bu nedenle 80-100 frank talep eden Nazmi Efendi'nin dilekçesi. [9 Nisan 1328]-1912-04-22
The Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations sells vakif lands in the Gligoria Village Kainouriou, the ex mosque highest bid by Mehmet Gavalaki, resident of Irakliou (270 dr.)-1917-11-26
The Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations sells an old coffee house in Keramoutsi Village highest bid by Dimitriou Kokinidou (1825 dr.)-1920-11-10
The Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations sells vakif lands at the periphery of the Martha Village, at the 'Koutsouria' location, former Muslim cemetery highest bid by Adoniou Hajidaki ( 40 dr.)-1918-04-01
The Director of Irakliou Muslim Foundations and the Council sell Vakif lands in the periphery of 'Plakiotisa' Village, 'Alikevra or Kabou' area highest bid by Arap Kalaijaki, resident of Irakliou, 101 dr.-1917-05-28
Office of Lawyer Emmanouil I. Melissidou plaintiff: Hamzas Arapahmetakis defendant: Nikol. Papadakis towards the Court of First Instance.-1914-10-14; 1915-06-17
Irakliou Admınıstration leases the residence no 4 in Iraklio, Lazaretou Square, to Iraklis Maragakis, for 7.50 dr, for one two years.-1916-07-10
The Administration of the Muslim Religious Foundatons in the periphery of Irakliou Holy Court, represented by the Director Mehmet Halatsaki, invites… occupant of the …..Vakif …..to pay the rent or to abandon the property (unfilled form)-1922-08-20
Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye'nin idaresindeki akarattan Kenuryo Kazası, Aya Antuan Kariyesi mezarlık adlı mahalde v.s yerlerdeki 4 adet mülkün çeşitli kimselere satışı ile ilgili olarak alınan karar.-1917-12-16
21 yaşını geçmiş olduğundan emlakinin idaresine serbest bırakılması için icab edenlere emr-i keyfiyet burulması hakkında müteveffa Said Fazılaki oğlu Hüseyin Fazılaki imzalı istida. [13 Temmuz 1320]-1904-07-26
Ser Turna İbrahim Ağa Cami-i Şerifi Vakfından Kandiye'de senelik 20 para icareli 2 hanenin mutasarrıfı olan Bıçakçı Mustafa Çavuş Mirasçısız vefat ettiğinden evlerin müzayedeye çıkarılmasına dair karar. [1 Mayıs 1306]-1890-05-13
ACIEVPR00286.jpg.jpgFazıl Ahmed Paşa Vakfı'ndan Attarlar'daki 9 No'lu dükkanın 1 aylık kira bedeli olan 21 drahmi 90 leptanın kiracısı yeddiyle varid-i sandık olduğuna dair makbuz. [12 Kanun-i Sani 1328]-1913-01-25
İcareli veyahut mahlul bulunan vakıf musakkafatının miktar ve kemiyetlerini ve varidatlarını gösteren defter. [27 Mart 1300]-1884-04-08
The Directorate of Iraklio Muslim Foundations sells land property through auction.-1917-10-01
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