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ACIEVP00179.jpg.jpgThe Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders certification that Efdal Jilivzades of Etem, from Iraklio, is serving as halifes at the Irakliou Teke of Dervis Abdoulah of the Nasibedi class, since November 12, 1919.-1921-10-16
Towards Zaharias Kapetanaki (?), Hersonisos.The recipient is informed that the vakif farm at the Periphery of Hersonisou Village, 'Piskopiato' location, had been fortified to him for 305 dr.-1905-01-12
The Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders decided to transfer the teacher Vasif (?) Selim Efedakis, in the place of the teacher Housein Karavanaki, to the 4 Classes Boys School of Irakliou, and the transfer of the second one to the position of the first one.-1913-10-05
The Irakliou Council of the Mouslim Elders. The President Muftis and the Members of the Council decided to change the salaries of the employees at the Musliom Foundations according to the financial needs of the Administration.-1900-10-27
ACIEVP00147.jpg.jpgCouncil of the Muslim Elders asks to the Supreme Administration of Education to intervene in order to receive salary money of the Muslim employees as soon as possible.--
Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi memurları ile camiler görevli imam ve hatiblerin isimleri, şöhretleri ve miktarlarını gösteren defter.--
Pendiye Kazasına Mülhak Konavis Kariyesi Camii İmamı Şükrü Efendi'nin 1300 senesi Kanun-i Sani nihayetine Kadar olan imamlık vazifesini yerine getirdiğine dair İlm-i Habear. [23 Teşrin-i Sani 1301]-1885-12-05
The Council of Irakliou Muslim Elders decides to appoint ivrahim Bativakis (?) teacher at the Primary School for the Villages Ligortinou, Tefeli, Parathikon Aposelimos (?).-1909-11-03
ACIEVP00111.jpg.jpg1298 senesi Teşrin-i Evvel dönemine ait 1 aylık maaşı olan 150 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf-ı Şerife Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair pusula. [31 Temmuz 1298]-1888-08-21
ACIEVP00109.jpg.jpg1298 senesi Eylül dönemine ait 1 aylık maaşı olan 150 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf-ı Şerif Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair mübaşir imzalı pusula. [30 Eylül 1298]-1882-10-12
Resmo namına Mekatib-i İslamiye Müdürü Kazım Bey'in izamı tensib ve adı geçenin ilk vapurla azimete hazır olduğu, Mustafa Efendi'nin dahi hazır olup birlikte yola çıkacaklarına dair Resmo Müessesatı Diniye Müdürü Mustafa imzalı takrir. [31 Mart 1336]-1920-03-31
The Iraklio Muslim Foundations' Director complaints that there are a lot of individuals who owe to the directorate the money of the compensation for ex evkaf lands and he proposes the appointment of an employee of the Council in order to collect the money.-1905-09-16
ACIEVP00089.jpg.jpg1300 senesi Teşrin-i Sani ayına ait 1 aylık maaşı olan 200 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair İbrahim Fuad imzalı senet. [5 Kanun-i Evvel 1300]-1884-12-17
ACIEVP00057.jpg.jpg“Kandiye İslam Sandığı yevmiye defteri” etiketi [Mart 1310]-1894-03-01
Muhtarus Camii İmamı ve Hatip ve Müezzini olan İbrahim Efendi'nin 1291 Ağustos-Eylül dönemine ait maaşını aldığına dair pusula.-1875
ACIEVP00002.jpg.jpgTo the Directory of Religion. The Chorister of the Palat? Mosque at Iraklion asks for permission to sustain from his duties for 4,5 days and defines as his substitute Huseyn Tselepi.-1903-01-12
Irakliou Ierodikis reports that the position of the Secretary of the Holy Court has been non occupied for a year and that that situation had costed a lot of trouble to the Foundation.-1923-05-08
ACIEVP00177.jpg.jpgThe Irakliou Administration of the Muslim Foundations certifies that the residence in Defterdar quarter belongs to the mosque and that Housni Koljaki has the right to stay there as long as he serves to the mosque.-1909-08-01
ACIEVP00163.jpg.jpgList of the salary increases concerning the employees of the Foundations.--
Merhum Hamza Bey’in hizmetlerine mukabil istihkaklarının itası için Nazime Nevresaki, İffet Kalasopola, Zeynep Yanatopola, Mehmed Mercanaki, Halim Nevresaki ve Melek Hemaiopola'nin heyete verdikleri istidalar incelenip Evkaf Müfettişine gönderilmesi kararı.-1918-04-19; 1919-03-25
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