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ACIEVP00112.jpg.jpgRizo Kazası Seyyar Memuru Hüseyin Efendi vazifesine devam etmeyeceğinden yerine Abdaki Ali Bey'in nasb ve tayin olunduğu ve Nisan ayının 9. gününden itibaren maaşının başlayacağına dair alınan karar. [8 Nisan 1296]-1880-04-20
Kandiye Sancağı Kurtaca (?) Kariyesi Mekteb-i İbtidai Muallimi Şakiraki Said Efendi'nin istifasından dolayı boş kalan bu göreve kendisinin tayin edilmesi hususunda Bölük Eminaki Mehmed Şükrü'nün dilekçesi. [12 Teşrin-i Sani 1322]-1906-11-25; 1906-11-27
ACIEVP00092.jpg.jpg1300 senesi Temmuz-Ağustos dönemine ait 2 aylık maaşı olan 50 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Sikilus Kariyesi Camii İmamı Mehmed Hurşid imzalı senet. [31 Ağustos 1300]-1884-09-12
Sakalaki Timur Hilmi Efendi'nin İnadiye Kariyesi'nin İslam Mektebi İbtidaiyesi'nin muallimliğine tayin olup hizmet ettikten sonra Mekteb-i İbtidaiye muallimliğinde hizmet ettiğine dair şehadetname verilmesini talep ettiği hakkında Meclis Reisi'nin yazısı.-1915-02-09; 1915-02-22
Mehmet Ali Mouladakis of Sali, Mouezinis at the Teke of Mastamba, is no longer an employed religious servant and is therefore erased from the books of the religious servants according to the application of January 26th 1923/Iraklio.-1923-02-07
Giridi Numan Paşa Sebilhanesi sebilcisinin bir aylık maaşı olan 10 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair senetler. [31 Mart-30 Nisan 1300]-1884-04-12; 1884-05-12
ACIEVP00073.jpg.jpgHamis-i müdüre mahsuben 241 kuruş 35 paranın Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair Kandiye Evkaf Memuru Mehmed Şermi imzalı ilm-i haber-1872-07-27
ACIEVP00067.jpg.jpgKaloca Camii İmamı olup 1300 senesi Teşrin-i Evvel-Teşrin-i Sani 2 aylık maaşı olan 200 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Yusuf imzalı senet. [30 Teşrin-i Sani 1300]-1884-12-12
ACIEVP00055.jpg.jpgTowards the President of the Muslim Elders: the President is informed that there will be exams for teachers in August and that since the 2 (female) teachers of the girl's Muslim School (Mousoulmaniko Parthenagogio) will resign next year.-1910-06-18
ACIEVP00047.jpg.jpgLetter of the President of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou to Primary Schools' Prefecture inspector asking for the replacement of Nousret Karatarkaki by Mehmet Alis Haji Dervihiakis at the position of the director of the 4-Class Muslim School.-1911-03-28
Towards the Inspector of Periphery Irakliou: the Mufti of Irakliou announces that Fatme Paletsaki has all the necessary qualifications and will be appointed as teacher of the Muslim religion and language at the School of Avli Pediadas.-1922-02-16
ACIEVP00029.jpg.jpgHacı İsmail Bey Çeşmesi Vakfı'ndan Hanyevizade Ahmed Ağa Medresesi Vakfı'ndan Fındık Paşa Camii mütevellisine Dizdar İsmail Katibi ve cabisine Hacı Osman Vakfı'ndan tahsil olan paranın Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair pusula [2 Teşrini Evvel 1288]-1872-10-14
ACIEVP00039.jpg.jpgLetter of Pertef(?) (Muslim Religious Foundations' Director of Irakliou?) to the Mayor of 'Megalis Vriseos' asking for the starting date that the new imam of the villages of the Municipality of “Megalis Vrisis”.-1902-05-10
ACIEVP00044.jpg.jpgLetter of the Director (of Muslim Religious Foundations of Irakliou) to the Prefecture of Lasithiou asking for the support of 2 employees of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou, Ali Kasimati(?) and Housni Efendi.-1900-09-08
Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı muhasebesinin yıl sonu hesaplarının kontrol edimesi için bir katib tayin edilmesine dair Kandiye Evkaf Dairesi mühürlü tezkere [16 Eylül 1303]-1887-09-28
The Municipality of Gortyna asks from Director of Muslim Religious Foundations that it dispatches to the Municipality the sum of 27 drahmes for the wages of workers and purchase of well-ropes for the emptying and cleaning of wells of the villages.-1906-08-08
ACIEVP00024.jpg.jpgOrder of the Nomarch to the President of Muslim Council of Elders for the dispatchment of the decision of the Holy Judge (Ierodikou/ No. 2562/496, 23-5-1918), according to which Mehmet Tsaroukaki was appointed imam.-1919-05-14
Decision of Iraklio Muslim Elders concerning the non-acceptance of the succession at the office of the imam of the Mosque Dizdar İsmail Aga of Iraklio of the former deceased imam (Mehmet Efendi Gialelaki)'s son, Kazim Imamaki.-1903-02-03
ACIEVP00165.jpg.jpgTowards the Administration of Irakliou Bank of Crete: the President of the Muslim Elders informs for the appointment of Mehmet Halatsakis as director of the Administration of the Muslim Foundations, in the place of the resigned Mihri Vei Koudizade.-1915-10-22
ACIEVP00159.jpg.jpgTowards Irakliou Muslim Community: the Director of Irakliou 7 Classes School informs for the resignation of the Servant Ahmet Apitrakis and asks for his replacement.-1913-10-19
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