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ACIEVP00069.jpg.jpg1297 senesi Şubat dönemine ait 1 aylık maaşı olan 150 kuruşun Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair senet. [28 Şubat 1297]-1882-03-12
ACIEVP00046.jpg.jpgLetter of Pertef, Muslim Religious Foundations' Director of Irakliou (?), to the Public Prosecutor asking whether Housnis Koumbarajakis, sentenced by the Criminal Court disposes or not of his political rights.--
ACIEVP00059.jpg.jpg1298 Sensi Mart dönemine ait maaşları olan toplam 3257 kuruş 2 paranın Muhasebeci Mehmed Şermi Efendi, Şükrü Efendi, Mustafa Mazhar Bey, Receb Efendi, Ali Kazım Efendi, Mübaşlir Ali Efendi, Mehmed Efendi tarafından alındığına dair pusula. [31 Mart 1299]-1883-04-12
ACIEVP00017.jpg.jpgThe President of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou certifies that Mustafa Xiakirakis of Husni from Irakliou is the only muezzin Tekke of Hieh Ali Efendi of the religious order of Kadridon at the neighbourhood Sertourna since the 31 October 1918.-1919-03-14
Letter from the part of the Muftis to the Inspector of the Primary Schools informing that Hasan Rijakis was examined according to the Inspector's order by him and that he was found capable of being appointed at the position of the teacher.-1922-03-17
ACIEVP00060.jpg.jpgApplication of Ntanias (?) Papoutsapakis (?), resident of Irakliou. Towards the President of the Muslim Elders of Irakliou: He asks for a certificate to prove that he is mouezinis at the Mosque Horasani.-1919-04-09
Letter of the Director of Ewkaf to Mr. Voreadi expressing his grief for the non-payment of the wages of the Religious Functionaries, of the bad economic condition of the Ewkaf and the difficult personal position of the sender due to undermining by others.--
Personal book of regular revenues of civil servants including the monthly wage and deductions of the Deputy Holy Judge (Ierodikou) Irakliou Haji Dervihzathes Ahmet Kiamis, son of Mustafa, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Ecclesiastics.-1922-04; 1922-10
Muslim Elders' council releases Muslim School's teacher, Styliano Papadaki due to incompetence as proved by students' failure and appoints at his place Nikolao Zafiraki, already working at school as a substitute teacher for called to arms Georgio Kafejaki.-1913-11-18
1293 Teşrin-i Sani-Şubat dönemine ait 4 aylık maaşları olan 333 kuruşu aldıklarına dair Rufa Kariyesindeki Cami İmamı Hasan Derviş, Müezzin Hüseyin ve Kayyum Hüseyin imzalı senet. [11 Mayıs 1294]-1878-05-23
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