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1293 Teşrin-i Sani-Şubat dönemine ait 4 aylık maaşları olan 333 kuruşu aldıklarına dair Rufa Kariyesindeki Cami İmamı Hasan Derviş, Müezzin Hüseyin ve Kayyum Hüseyin imzalı senet. [11 Mayıs 1294]-1878-05-23
Pezya Kazası, İskilos Köyü'ndeki Camii'nin imamı ve hatibi Ahmed Muhtar Efendi'nin Mart 1291 maaşı olan 50 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair pusula. [1 Mayıs 1291]-1875-05-13
ACIEVP00036.jpg.jpgOrder of the President of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou to the Directory of the(?) Bank for the recognition of the appointment of Mihri Veis Kadizades as director of the Muslim Religious Foundation replacing the dismissed Moustafa Rahmi Tataraki.-1910-10-30
Towards the Prefecture of Irakliou. Ivraim Efentis Metaksotakis, imamis at the Mosque Aggempout(?) and Hatzi Hasan Louthirakis declared to the Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations that they were attacked.-1914-04-28
ACIEVP00076.jpg.jpgApplication of Moustafa Moulalidaki, resident of Rethimnis towards the Holy Court of Rethimnis: The applicant asks for a certificate that will prove that he has been appointed mouezinis after the decision of the Muslim Elders.-1918-01-21
ACIEVP00086.jpg.jpg1300 senesi Ağustos ayına ait 1 aylık maaşı olan 375 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Evkaf ve Eytam Meclisi Reisi Mustafa mühürlü senet. [3 Eylül 1300]-1884-09-15
ACIEVP00043.jpg.jpgLetter of the President of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou to the mayor and judge of the peace tribunal of the town asking that the bearer of this document, Avdis Nourakis, who was appointed by Muslim Council of Elders for the touring.-1902-05-28
ACIEVP00206.jpg.jpgKenuryo Kazası seyyar memurluğuna tayin kılınan Kürdaki Kasım Efendi vazifesine devam ve itina etmediğinden kendisine yol verilerek yerine münasib birinin tayini hakkında karar. [19 Mart 1296]-1880-03-31
ACIEVP00005.jpg.jpgReport to the prefecture of the president of the Muslim Communal Authority acknowledging the appointment of Mihri Kadizade as Director of Muslim Religious Foundations according to the special law concerning the Muslim community.-1910-03-18
The File bearing the title: lawyer's office of Konst. G. Stamataki at Iraklio of Crete. Parties: Muslim Foundations of Irakliou against Avdourahmanaki Dervih, Peace Tribunal of Irakliou.-1917-11-04; 1918-01-12
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