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GörüntüleBaşlıkÜretenYayın Tarihi
Kandiye Sancağı Kurtaca (?) Kariyesi Mekteb-i İbtidai Muallimi Şakiraki Said Efendi'nin istifasından dolayı boş kalan bu göreve kendisinin tayin edilmesi hususunda Bölük Eminaki Mehmed Şükrü'nün dilekçesi. [12 Teşrin-i Sani 1322]-1906-11-25; 1906-11-27
Kandiye camileri ve vazifelileri maaş defteri. [1315-1316]-1889; 1900
ACIEVP00080.jpg.jpgBazı işlerinin tesviyesi için İstanbul'a gidecek olan Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdürü Hüseyin Behici Bey'in, yerine birinci katibin vekalet edeceği ve 2 ay müddetle izinli sayılması hususunda yazmış olduğu yazı. [27 Nisan 1323]-1907-11-10
The Municipality of Gortyna asks from Director of Muslim Religious Foundations that it dispatches to the Municipality the sum of 27 drahmes for the wages of workers and purchase of well-ropes for the emptying and cleaning of wells of the villages.-1906-08-08
ACIEVP00039.jpg.jpgLetter of Pertef(?) (Muslim Religious Foundations' Director of Irakliou?) to the Mayor of 'Megalis Vriseos' asking for the starting date that the new imam of the villages of the Municipality of “Megalis Vrisis”.-1902-05-10
ACIEVP00044.jpg.jpgLetter of the Director (of Muslim Religious Foundations of Irakliou) to the Prefecture of Lasithiou asking for the support of 2 employees of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou, Ali Kasimati(?) and Housni Efendi.-1900-09-08
The Prefecture of Irakliou asks from the Ewkafa list of the names of the Muslim clergymen in order to be included at the catalogues for fees of street construction. Dispatchment to the Nomarch of Irakliou of the list with the names of the clergymen.-1904-06-15; 1904-06-28
ACIEVP00042.jpg.jpgLetter of the Supervisor of the Ottoman Orphans' Bank of Irakliou to the Public Prosecutor informing him that Em. Konstantinidis, lawyer of the Bank, refuses to submit the related to the Bank court documents, after his dismissal from his duties.-1901-05-29
ACIEVP00053.jpg.jpgTowards the Administration of the Muslim Elders of Irakliou: They are asked to give the names of the regular and substitute members of the Muslim Elders to be dismissed. Irakliou Prefecture: Malatakis, Secretary: Kornaros (?)-1907-11-06
ACIEVP00045.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of the Director of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou to the Public Prosecutor of the appointment of Ivrahim Saip(?) Babas as seyh and mutevelli of the Tekke of Halvetlidon according to the decision of the Council.-1900-09-01
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