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GörüntüleBaşlıkÜretenYayın Tarihi
The Irakliou Prefect approves the decision of the Council to authorize the Administration's Director and the Hiehir and Manager of the Halvetidon Teke to compromise with Halimes Sermejopoulas, widow of Selim Tsaoust.-1924-04-21
Towards Irakliou Prefecture: Secretary of the Holy Court A. K. H. Dervihiakis (?) informs that after Irakliou Mouftis Mehmet Kiazim Efendis has been dismissed, salaries of the court's employees, thus one secretary and one bailiff, can not be payed.-1921-10-12
ACIEVP00140.jpg.jpgThe Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations appoints Moustafa Efedi Mesaritaki to the position of the Inspector of Muslim Cemetery in Fikias (?) Village, in order to report all those who bring animals into the cemetery.-1921-12-11
New Newspaper, Daily. Director and Owner: Ioan. D. Mourellos, Iraklio. In favor of Venizelos.-1922-01-01
Irakliou Ierodikis reports that the position of the Secretary of the Holy Court has been non occupied for a year and that that situation had costed a lot of trouble to the Foundation.-1923-05-08
ACIEVP00139.jpg.jpgKandiye'deki Rumi Ticaret Mektebi'nde lisan-ı Türkçe'nin tedrisi lazım geldiğinden buna muktedir Yunus Efendi'nin lisan-ı Türkçe'nin tedrisi için muallim olarak tayin olunmasına dair alınan karar. [8 Kanun-i Evvel 1336]-1920-12-08
ACIEVP00179.jpg.jpgThe Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders certification that Efdal Jilivzades of Etem, from Iraklio, is serving as halifes at the Irakliou Teke of Dervis Abdoulah of the Nasibedi class, since November 12, 1919.-1921-10-16
Kandiye İslam İhtiyar Meclisi'nce münhal olan Kandiye Müftülüğü'ne Kandiye ulemasından Mahkeme-i Şeriyye Katibi Hacı Dervişzade Ahmed Kami Efendi'nin tayini hususunda alınan karar. [26 Teşrin-i Evvel 1921]-1921-10-27; 1921-10-27
ACIEVP00190.jpg.jpgKandiye Mahkeme-i Şerriyesinin münhal olan kitabet hidmetine Evkaf Ketebesinden Sıdkı Efendi Odabaşaki Meclis-i Aliyece tayin olmasına rağmen tayinnamesinin gelmediğine dair ilm-ü haber.-1922-05-07
ACIEVP00121.jpg.jpgLaran Kariyesi Camii imamlığını yapan Fafulaki Mustafa Efendi'nin meşguliyeti sebebiyle yerine Baryotaki Nedim Efendi'nin tayinine dair karar.-1921-11-16
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