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GörüntüleBaşlıkÜretenYayın Tarihi
Mehmet Ali Mouladakis of Sali, Mouezinis at the Teke of Mastamba, is no longer an employed religious servant and is therefore erased from the books of the religious servants according to the application of January 26th 1923/Iraklio.-1923-02-07
Towards the Inspector of Periphery Irakliou: the Mufti of Irakliou announces that Fatme Paletsaki has all the necessary qualifications and will be appointed as teacher of the Muslim religion and language at the School of Avli Pediadas.-1922-02-16
ACIEVP00010.jpg.jpgMuslim Council of Elders of Irakliou certifies that Huseyn Haji Maslanmakis son of Mahmut Kaptan from Irakliou has been appointed muezzin of the Mosque Sofan according to the decision no. 3317/9-7-1920.-1921-09-04
Letter from the part of the Muftis to the Inspector of the Primary Schools informing that Hasan Rijakis was examined according to the Inspector's order by him and that he was found capable of being appointed at the position of the teacher.-1922-03-17
Personal book of regular revenues of civil servants including the monthly wage and deductions of the Deputy Holy Judge (Ierodikou) Irakliou Haji Dervihzathes Ahmet Kiamis, son of Mustafa, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Ecclesiastics.-1922-04; 1922-10
Nakşibendi Tarikatı'na mensup Derviş Abdullah Paşa Dergahı'nda mütevelli ve Şeyh İmamzade Ali Fuad'ın öldügünden yerine İmamzade Ahmed Efendi gelinceye kadar Molla İbrahimaki Derviş Necmi Efendi'nin vekil tayinlerinin kabul edilmesi için arzuhal.-1921-10-13
The writer informs the Director of Irakliou Treasury that 4 booklets (vivliaria) are needed for the employees of Irakliou Holy Court. Then the Director of the Treasury asks how many bank books are needed for the Foundation.-1922-03-14; 1922-03-28
Resmo namına Mekatib-i İslamiye Müdürü Kazım Bey'in izamı tensib ve adı geçenin ilk vapurla azimete hazır olduğu, Mustafa Efendi'nin dahi hazır olup birlikte yola çıkacaklarına dair Resmo Müessesatı Diniye Müdürü Mustafa imzalı takrir. [31 Mart 1336]-1920-03-31
ACIEVP00032.jpg.jpgHanya, Kandiye Niyabet-i Şeriyyesi Canib-i Alisi'ne gönderilen müftüler ile şeri mahkeme memurlarının maaşı hakkında gerekli teşebbüslerin yapılması hususunda Resmo Müftüsü ve Naib Vekili'nin dilekçesi.-1922-03-10
ACIEVP00078.jpg.jpgThe Muslim Elders of Irakliou certifies that Nikolaos Petasis worked as engineer for the Muslim Community of Irakliou from September 1905 until December 1907.-1923-03-17
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