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ACIEVDIV00015.jpg.jpgRizo Kasabası'na tabi Kaku Kariyesi'ndeki dul ve bakirelerin isim defteri. [18 Mayıs 1313]-1897-05-30
The Sea Captain Mihail Nikolau Vardamidis and the Merchant Hamza Vei Arapahmetakis from Iraklion issue a trade contract concerning the provision of building and shipbuilding timber material.-1906-03-22
ACIEVDIV00009.jpg.jpgLetter of M. Kothri, Proxy of Muslim Council of Elders to the Direction of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou informing that he was only able to receive the documents of Aristidou Sfakialaki, Roukouyies and Fahrides from the Translation Office.-1902-05-24
The Muslim Elders of Irakliou will examine the application of Housein and Halime Nalmpantaki children of Souleiman, present residents of the Village Sokia of Smirnis of Asia Minor. The applicants asks to be renounced of age. Accepted-1910-04-14
Document of the meeting of the Iraklio Court of First Instance consisted by Emmanouil Pannigirakis, Adonios Perakakis, Dimitris Kouezourakis. Adversaries: Minas Samatas against Mejit Hajimemih Aga Mosque.-1911-11-30
ACIEVDIV00031.jpg.jpgZilhicce'nin gurresi Pazar günü itibar olunacağına dair Kandiye Müftüsü ve Kadı Vekili'nin yazısı. [1 Eylül 1334]-1918-09-01
Muhtelif Kaza ve köylerde yaşayan ahalinin isim, ikamet yeri, kaç kişi oldukları, emlak sahibi olup olmadıkları ve hangi kazaya bağlı olduklarını gösteren imzalı sayım defteri.--
Proposition by Aihes Imamaki against Halimes Sfakidopoulas, Hourhides Sfakidopoulas, Hafizes Dionisakis, Hatijes Sfakidopoulas, Mehmet Sfakidaki of Souleiman, Mehmet Sfakidaki before the Iraklio Court of First Instance.-1902-12-24; 1903-05-28
ACIEVDIV00008.jpg.jpgHanya, Kandiye, İzmir Niyabet-i Şeriyyesi Canib-i Alisine gönderilen Şaban ayı hilalinin Salı günü akşamı hava münasip olmadığına dair Resmo Müftüsü ve Naib Vekili'nin cevabi yazısı.-1922-03-19
ACIEVDIV00006.jpg.jpgThe Prefecture of Irakliou asks for the cooperation of Directory of the Ewkaf and the imams for the control of the election-catalogues.-1901-09-18
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