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GörüntüleBaşlıkÜretenYayın Tarihi
Cheque initiated of of Aihes İmamaki against Halimes Sfakidopoulas and Hourhoutes Sfakidopoulas and Hafizes Dionisaki, Hatijes Sfakidopoulas, Mehmet Sfakidaki and Osman Rejepaki demanding the collection of court expenses according to the decision no. 532.-1903-11-27
ACIEVF00023.jpg.jpgLetter for the part of Fazil, (President of the Muslim Council of Eldes of Irakliou), to the Municipality concerning the dividing of the expenses related to the repairments of the hospital.-1900-07-22
To the President of Irakliou Muslim Elders Council and Religious Foundations. The Architect E. M. asks for his money for the restoration of a mosque, a residence, and a store owned by the Muslim Council.-1901-10-02; 1901-10-03
ACIEVF00071.jpg.jpgThe Council of the Muslim Elders has to pay 20 drachmes per month at the directorate of the religious foundations for the Muslim hospital (?)-1909-07-20
Budget of 1900-1911. Incomes and expenses of the Elders of Irakliou.-1900; 1911
Muslim Council of Elders decision concerning the application of Hieihou and mouteveli of the Tekke of Mastaba, Nousret Mehmet Ali Mahmut Zade, for the construction of a wind-mill in order to increase the revenues of the tekke, and the needed expenses.-1901-03-29
ACIEVF00032.jpg.jpgGirid Kandiye tüccarı muteberanından Kasabzade Halil Haki Efendi'nin Şeriki Çiçekçaki Hüseyin Salih Bey'den alınan meblağı gösteren pusula. [22 Mayıs 1322]-1906-06-04
ACIEVF00022.jpg.jpgAknowledgement of concession issued of Konstantinou Lebidaki and Eleftheriou Krasaki against İsmail Bilalaki son of Suleyman, Zehras Bilalopoulas, Aziz Hohlidaki and for a debt according to the contract no. 8459, 22-1-1891.-1902-09-19
ACIEVF00120.jpg.jpgMoustafas Sidikis Odabahiakis (?), representing the director of Iraklio Muslim foundations agreed with Yeorgios Evgenis, the contractor of the new stores at the Defterdar Market about the prices of some materials.-1906-08-08
The President of the Council of the Elders Alis Katsoulakis informs the Bank of Crete that the council decided to withdraw all of its money from the bank.-1907-02-17
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