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Tashih-i sin iddiasındaki Müslümanların mahkemeye müracaatları üzerine ebeveynin nikah kaydı araştırılıp, şahitler dinlenip, iddia sabit olduktan sonra mahkemece şahsa rumiu'l-ibare şehadetname verildiğine dair Kandiye Müftüsü ve Kadı Vekili'nin yazısı.-1917-02-07; 1917-02-14
Council of the Muslim Elders complains that the toilets (Apopatoi) of the Yeni Cami Mosque were demolished without informing the Council.-1901-10-08
ACIEVC00030.jpg.jpgTowards the Station Master of the Village Pirgos Monofatsiou. The Director of the Evkaf complains that it has been reported that the residents of the Sikari (?) Village has being destroying the Muslim mosque in order to use the land for other purposes.-1912-12-16
The Director of Iraklio Muslim Foundations supports that Nikolaos Karpathios took up an Evkaf residence at Keramoutsi Village without having the right to do so and accuses the Mayor for the damages at the Muslim cemetery.-1905-01-29
ACIEVC00004.jpg.jpgSomeone asks that the gendarme keep under control Christians who through stones to the windows of the mosques while the Muslims are praying. Towards the Captain of Gendarmerie of Irakliou.-1902-01-16
Sare Hanım binti Hüseyin Kazım Efendi Beyanaki'nin Çurunzade Şakir Bey hakkında açmış olduğu dava. [5 Muharrem 1335]-1916-11-01
ACIEVC00033.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of the Chief of the Gendarmerie (Squadron) to the President of Iraklio Muslim Elders informing that results of Gendarmerie's research concerning damages in the lattice of the Mosque Valti Tzami in response to a related document sent by Elders.-1905-03-31
Office of the Lawyer K.G. Stamataki, Iraklio. Opponents: Muslim Foundations against Mousadaki Haji Hasan Kritsotaki--
Towards Irakliou Public Prosecutor. The President (?) complains about the rumors having to do with the sale of Muslim real estate properties.-1916-06-28
ACIEVC00011.jpg.jpgThe President of Council of the Iraklio Muslim Elders. To the Prefect of Iraklio the Director of the Iraklio School for the girls complains that people are throwing stones against the school and the students.-1919-05-15
The Muslim Council (?) complains that once again bravos led by the son of the Bailiff Dimaki (?) and of the son of the Cooker Georgiou Zaharaki attacked the Valide and Mahmut Aga Mosques and had broken all the windows.-1905-05-09
ACIEVC00023.jpg.jpgTowards Irakliou Municipality. The Director of Irakliou Evkaf informs that next to the building no 130 on 29 street there is a drain that causes a lot of problems to the occupant of the building.-1915-05-18
The President of the Muslim Community of Irakliou thanks the captain in the name of the community for taking action and for arresting the guilty ones for the murder of two Muslims.-1913-04-25
ACIEVC00016.jpg.jpgCrete Jandarmerie/ Iraklio Station. The Jandarmerie informs the Ierodiki Rethimnis that the Captain Ahmet Fagri Skoufouyannakis (?) is under arrest and that he is going to be transferred to the Holy Court.-1903-11-30
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