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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACIEVPR00431.jpg.jpg14 numaralı dükkanın 1 aylık kira bedeli olan 61 drahmi 80 leptanın kiracısı tarafından varid-i sandık olduğuna dair makbuz ilm-i haberi [23 Teşrin-i Evvel 1330]-1914-11-05
The Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations sells vakif lands at the periphery of the village Mahera Monofatsiou, at the 'Potamos ' location highest bid by Adoniou Hajidaki, lawyer, resident of Irakliou (105 dr.)-1918-04-01
ACIEVPR00395.jpg.jpgThe writer informs Irakliou Mayor that the Administration is going to send the bayliff to receive the inscription and adds that the place where the fountain is going to be placed used to be the Muslim school.-1900-12-27
ACIEVPR00396.jpg.jpgTowards Mr. Adonion Anthonoun, Lawyer/Chania. Irakliou Director of the Muslim Foundations asks for the shipment of (some documents) concerning the Mosque Findoun, the farms of the Dramioun Metohi.-1911-01-12
Irakliou Council of Muslim Elders. The Director of Irakliou Muslim Foundations report that 7-8.000dr. is owed to the foundations by occupants of vakif real estate.-1919-09-02
ACIEVPR00382.jpg.jpgIerapetra towards the Director of Irakliou Efkaf. The Efkaf's delegate in Ierapetra: Information on the Pateraki auction.-1900-12-01
ACIEVE00020.jpg.jpgLeyli Mektebin Heyet-i İdaresi'ne dair Hanya İslam İhtiyar Meclisi Reisi'nin yazısı. [14 Teşrin-i Sani 1329]-1913-11-27
ACIEVDIV00052.jpg.jpgAnnouncement of hygiene mesures by the Prefect of Irakliou and the Military Doctor in order to protect the health of the residents-1900-12-12
Pendiye Kazasına Mülhak Melesis Kazası ahalisinden iken vefat eden (?) adlı şahsın yetimi Kazım için toplanan akraba meclisinde yetimin validesi Saniye Hanım'ın vasi olarak tayin edilmesine dair alınan karar. [27 Nisan 1321]-1905-05-04; 1905-05-10
Kandiye ahalisindenken vefat eden Baradanaki Ali Ağa'nın eytamı için vasileri Bayramaki Hüsnü Efendi'nin teklifiyle toplanan akraba meclisinin eytamın gayri menkuleleriyle babalarının idare ettiği türbelerin idaresine dair vasiye mezuniyet verilmesi kararı.-1913-04-20
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