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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Application of Moustafa Kekilaki, Resident of Haniali Teke, guardian of the under age children Ali, Ahmet, Ikibal of the late Mehmet Bedevakis, towards the inspector of Irakliou Properties of the Muslim Orphans.-1916-04-26; 1916-09-21
The Irakliou Administration of the Muslim Foundations sells vakif lands in the periphery of 'Kalivia' Kinouriasvillage, at the 'mezaria' location, former Muslim cemetery highest bid by Sidikos (?) Kadogloudakis, resident of Irakliou (1455 dr.)-1917-05-28
The Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations sells vakif lands at the periphery of the Gligoria Kenouriou Village, at the 'Sinora ' location, former Muslim cemetery highest bid Mouharem Karavanaki, resident of Irakliou ( 296 dr.)-1917-11-16
The Director of Irakliou Muslim Foundations and the Council sell Vakif lands in the perphery of 'Vali' (?) Monofatsiou Village, 'mezaria' location, former Muslim cemetery highest bid by Mehmet Menelaki, resident of Irakliou, 31 dr.-1917-05-28
The Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations sells vakif lands in the Ebaros Pediados Village, ex jami, Muslim school and house of the mosque highest bid by Adoniou Hajidaki (910 dr.)-1918-04-01
Application by Maria Zah. Fragadoulaki, resident of the Lilianou Pediados Village, towards the Director of Irakliou Muslim Foundations.-1916-04-24
The Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations sells the place of the ex mosque together with the yard highest bid by Dim. Kokkinidou, resident of Irakliou (1825 dr.)-1920-11-10
ACIEVPR00337.jpg.jpgStatement by Housein Moufaajipaki, Towards the Director of Irakliou Council of the Mouslim Elders-1901-09-01
Ankebut Ahmed Paşa Mahallesi'ndeki Merhum Şeyh Mehmed Efendi ibn İbrahim'in Kadiriye Tarikatı Tekkesi Evkafı'ndan Zekiye? Babazopola'nın oturduğu tekkenin bir cihetini teşkil eden hanenin emr-i tahliyesi zımnında mahkemeye müracaatı için mütevellinin yazısı.-1919-05-09; 1919-05-15
ACIEVPR00496.jpg.jpgAbdurrahman Paşa Camii Vakfı'ndan Maloviz Kazası, Viranköy'de Yalı Ağa Çiftliği'nin Bayırpa mahalindeki bağın 4/36 hissesine mutasarrıf olan Kadıoğlaki Hasan bin İbrahim'in vefat etmesiyle hisselerin vakıf tarafından satılmasına dair müzayede ilamı. [10 Kanun-i Evvel 1307]-1891-12-22
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