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ACIEVFM00026.jpg.jpgFukaha tarafından hind hasebül hızane aguş-ı terbiyesindeki evlad-ı sigarının nafakası pederleri zeyd üzerine vacib değildir diye verilen fetvanın şeran makbul olup olmdaığına dair icab eden bir fetvanın gönderilmesine dair takrir.-1916-07-28
ACIEVFM00037.jpg.jpgKandiye Sofu Mahallesi'nde sakine Cevher Bardokopola binti Mehmed ile Kandiye Arabacı Ali Kasap Arifaki Hüseyin'in nikah akdi. [10 Kanun-i Evvel 1334]-1918-12-10
The Irakliou Council of the Mouslim Elders. The President Muftis and the Members of the Council decided to change the salaries of the employees at the Musliom Foundations according to the financial needs of the Administration.-1900-10-27
The Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders decided to transfer the teacher Vasif (?) Selim Efedakis, in the place of the teacher Housein Karavanaki, to the 4 Classes Boys School of Irakliou, and the transfer of the second one to the position of the first one.-1913-10-05
ACIEVP00179.jpg.jpgThe Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders certification that Efdal Jilivzades of Etem, from Iraklio, is serving as halifes at the Irakliou Teke of Dervis Abdoulah of the Nasibedi class, since November 12, 1919.-1921-10-16
Towards Zaharias Kapetanaki (?), Hersonisos.The recipient is informed that the vakif farm at the Periphery of Hersonisou Village, 'Piskopiato' location, had been fortified to him for 305 dr.-1905-01-12
Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi memurları ile camiler görevli imam ve hatiblerin isimleri, şöhretleri ve miktarlarını gösteren defter.--
ACIEVP00147.jpg.jpgCouncil of the Muslim Elders asks to the Supreme Administration of Education to intervene in order to receive salary money of the Muslim employees as soon as possible.--
ACIEVC00013.jpg.jpgIn the name of the King/ Irakliou Court of First Instance and office of the Public Prosecutors consisted by Nikolaou K.StratoudakiIoannou Yoularaki (?) and Ahmet Fazis.-1883-09-12
ACIEVJ00068.jpg.jpgKoçanlı ilm ü haberlerden başka hiç bir kimse elinden senet-i muvakkat makamında diğer bir kağıd üzerine ilm ü haber verilemeyeceğine dair karar. [26 Nisan 1296]-1880-05-08
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