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ACIEVO00298.jpg.jpgCemali Arfanaki ve zevcesi Afet Abdurrahmanopola eytamına ait boş dosya muhafazası. [Pendiye, Voni]--
Towards Administration of the Evkaf: Irakliou Prefect G. Maris answers to a previous letter that according to the decision of the Ruling Council (igemoniko Simvoulio) buildings of the schools are part of communal responsibilities and expenses and therefore he can't provide them with the rooms they asked for that purpose.-1899-11-12
Apology and expostulation of Mehmet Ali Mulazade, law student and resident of Iraklio, against the Muslim Council of Elders and the Evkafs' Directory of Iraklio for the annulment of the former's scholarship due to change in his subject and place of study.-1904-02-23
Merhum Hamza Bey’in hizmetlerine mukabil istihkaklarının itası için Nazime Nevresaki, İffet Kalasopola, Zeynep Yanatopola, Mehmed Mercanaki, Halim Nevresaki ve Melek Hemaiopola'nin heyete verdikleri istidalar incelenip Evkaf Müfettişine gönderilmesi kararı.-1918-04-19; 1919-03-25
Temnos Kazası, Zerkolari Çiftliğinde sakinken fevt olan Hüseyin Velonaki'nin terk ettiği eytamı Ali ve Fatma için toplanan akraba meclisinin İnadiye Kariyesinde sakin Karamehmedaki İbrahim Ağa'nın vasi tayin edilmesi hakkında karar. [14 Haziran 1319]-1903-06-27
ACIEVO00616.jpg.jpgIrakliou Council of the Muslim Elders approves the decision of the Family Council of the orphans Vasfit, Devlet, Jevherie, Jivat Osman Miragitizade to authorize their guardian Ahmet Kiami Haji Dervihiaki to sell some of their real estate property.-1901-10-01
ACIEVO00654.jpg.jpgCertificate edited by the guardianship of orphans' properties, subordinate to Iraklio Muslim Elders, attesting the appointment of İsmail Tutumtzakis as guardian of Ahmet-Dervis, son of Fuat Sururzade according to decision of the related relatives' council.-1921-07-24
ACIEVP00177.jpg.jpgThe Irakliou Administration of the Muslim Foundations certifies that the residence in Defterdar quarter belongs to the mosque and that Housni Koljaki has the right to stay there as long as he serves to the mosque.-1909-08-01
Kalpasizzade İbrahim Efendi'nin zevcesi Fatma Melek Tosunopula yetimi dosyası [Kandiye].-1906-03-08
ACIEVP00163.jpg.jpgList of the salary increases concerning the employees of the Foundations.--
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