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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
In presence of Iraklio Notary Andreou N. Parasiraki: İbrahim Noumanakis or Kolonakis states that he accepts the responsibility to pay the amount his brother Alis Noumanaki might ask from mother Esmal Lodargloudopoulou and sister Aliyes Noumanaki.-1903-11-05
ACIEVF00223.jpg.jpgEvkaf gelirlerinden elde edilen akçeyi koymak için imal edilen torbaların bedeli olan 45 kuruş 35 parayı Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Terzi imzalı pusula.[15 Teşrin-i Evvel 1297]-1881-10-27
Iraklio Inspector of the Properties of the Muslim Orphans pays 16.95 drahmes as a tax for a building.-1911-09-28
ACIEVF00177.jpg.jpgThe heir that Ferik Bey pays is 4,20 drahmes as a tax for the crops he collected.-1910-09-04
Şerif Efendi'ye ait vakıf nukudunun masraf senetleri. [Haziran 1295]-1879-06
Irakliou Ierodikis reports that the position of the Secretary of the Holy Court has been non occupied for a year and that that situation had costed a lot of trouble to the Foundation.-1923-05-08
ACIEVO00020.jpg.jpgDecision the Relatives Council of the minor orphans of the deceased Seit Vei Harajadaki From Irakliou, ivrahim, Mizestes, Melikes and Huseyn concerning the estates with olive-trees of the orphans at the village Gazi of Irakliou after a proposal of the orphans guardian, Hievki Vei Haji Roukounaki.-1912-12-30
Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders. According to the article 103 of te law 391 concerning the organization of education, in each school where the students're only of a different religion a committee must be established.-1902-03-16
ACIEVC00030.jpg.jpgTowards the Station Master of the Village Pirgos Monofatsiou. The Director of the Evkaf complains that it has been reported that the residents of the Sikari (?) Village has being destroying the Muslim mosque in order to use the land for other purposes.-1912-12-16
Mekatib-i İslamiye için girişilen teşebbüsler hakkında Hanya Encümen-i İslam Reisi Balcızade Hüseyin Rahmi imzalı layiha-1922-02-23
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