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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACIEVO00641.jpg.jpgIraklion Court of First Instance concisted of the Chair Emmanouil Hourdaki, Konstadinou Tsagarakiand Ioannou Kapsali. Claimant: Bank of Muslim Orphans, represented by the Director Housein Bexet Astsaki, represented by the Lawyer Georgiou Dokoumejaki.--
ACIEVFM00046.jpg.jpgKandiye Fındık Paşa Mahallesi sakinelerinden Penbe binti Galatalı Mustafa ile Hüseyin Şerif Liman Reisaki bin Ahmed tarafından izdivacına dair hüccet. [13 Teşrin-i Sani 1294]-1878-11-25
ACIEVFM00053.jpg.jpgKandiye mahallelerinden Valide Camii Mahallesi sakinelerinden Hatice binti Bıçakçı Hüseyin Bey ile Eski Zevci Cafer Efendi ibn-i Zuleyli Derviş arasındaki nikah ilamı. [29 Şevval 1293]-1876-11-17
ACIEVDIV00054.jpg.jpgCharter of Irakliou football and music club 'Fikri Selim'- Safe idea.--
ACIEVP00171.jpg.jpg1291 senesi Kanun-i Sani dönemine ait 1 aylık 150 kuruşu Kandiye Nükud-ı Mevkufesi Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Hasan Şevki mühürlü pusula [31 Kanun-i Sani 1291]-1876-02-12
Demir Kolijakis had been appointed to clean the Defterdar Mosque and the toilets next to it. After his death his brother Housni Kolijakis continued to do so.-1907-08-24
The Irakliou Prefect approves the decision of the Council to authorize the Administration's Director and the Hiehir and Manager of the Halvetidon Teke to compromise with Halimes Sermejopoulas, widow of Selim Tsaoust.-1924-04-21
ACIEVP00118.jpg.jpg1300 senesi Teşrin-i Evvel dönemine ait maaşları olan toplam 525 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf-ı Şerif Sandığı'ndan aldıklarına dair Meclis Katibi Melik Efendi, Refiki Mustafa Murad Efendi, Meclis Mübaşiri Ali Ağa imzalı pusula. [15 Teşrin-i Sani 1300]-1884-11-27
Towards Irakliou Prefecture: Secretary of the Holy Court A. K. H. Dervihiakis (?) informs that after Irakliou Mouftis Mehmet Kiazim Efendis has been dismissed, salaries of the court's employees, thus one secretary and one bailiff, can not be payed.-1921-10-12
Decision of Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders concerning the salaries and the employees of the Muslim Foundations.--
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