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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACIEVP00199.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of the Stand-in Director of the Evkaf of Iraklio, S... Odabasaki, to the Prefect of Iraklio, concerning the appointment of Ali Efendi Parastrataki as hatip for Muslim prisoners.-1912-03-31
Sofu Mehmed Paşa Camii Vakfı'ndan Aya Sila Kariyesi'ndeki bir tarlanın satışını yapan Münadi Mehmed'in dellaliye ücreti olan 25 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Münadi Ali Tevfik imzalı senet. [15 Nisan 1300]-1884-04-27
ACIEVPR00435.jpg.jpgÇukur Çeşme'de 24 numaralı dükkanın 3 aylık kira bedeli olan 37 drahmi 20 leptanın kiracısı tarafından varid-i sandık olduğuna dair makbuz ilm-i haberi [28 Teşrin-i Evvel 1330]-1914-11-10
Abdurahman Paşa Cami-i Şerif Vakfı'ndan Maloviz Kazası, Viranköy'de Molla Hüseyin Mahallesi'ndeki zeytinliğin vakfa ait olan 1/4 hissesinin satılması hususunda müzayede pusulası. [12 Mart 1306]-1890-03-24
Sertopi Mahallesi'nde mutasarrıf olduğu bir eve cereyan etmek üzere fondana suyundan yarım masura suyun satılması hususunda Bezzaz Bayram imzalı istida. [4 Teşrin-i Sani 1301]-1885-11-16
ACIEVPR00368.jpg.jpgThe writer Malesmis, resident of Irakliou States that he accepts the rise of the rent concerning the stores in Vezir Carsi Market by the Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations.-1921-08-25
List of the amounts deposited to Irakliou Administration of the Muslim Foundations during the auction of certain vakif lands.-1918-04-01; 1918-08-19
ACIEVPR00334.jpg.jpgStatement by Drakou Finikionaki, resident of Irakliou, towards Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders-1901-09-05
Law suit by Emmanouil Lidaki, lawyer, resident of Neapoleos Meramvellou, against Moustafa Haci Masloumaki, former resident of Lithinon Sitias and present of Sitias port, and Iraklio Ottoman Bank. Towards Iraklio Court of First Instance.-1899-12-17
Copy of 2 loan contracts: 1) Between late Mehmed Devadakis (debtor) and George Sfakianakis (creditor) from the village Kαlivia. The sum of the loan is 378 drahmes. 2) Between Mehmed Devadakis and Ali Tsatsafolakis. Sum of the second loan is 130 drahmes.-1913-02-06
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