1501-1510 / 2139
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Delivery of the Administration of Religious Foundations of the Jurisdiction of the Holy Court, represented by its Director Ahmet Fazil Vei Fazilzade, concerning a debt of the Deceased Mehmet Risvanaki and the auction for the sale of his etates.-1901-09-11; 1901-09-19
Letter of Council of the Sovereign to the Directory of the Ewkaf of Irakliou informing it about the applications of owners of Wakf estates, that do not pay Wakf fees (ijare) but submit transfer fees, asking to divert them to full properties.-1900-03-18
ACIEVP00038.jpg.jpgLetter of the Mayor of 'Megalis Vrisis' to Muslim Religious Foundations' Director of Irakliou informing him that the recently appointed imam from the Ottoman villages of the Municipality, Dervis Avdourahmanakis, has taken up his duties.-1902-05-20
ACIEVPR00036.jpg.jpgMihail Stafilakis, lessee of the shop no. 52 located at the Market Kenourgio(New) Tsarsi at Iraklio replies that he accepts the rise at the price of the rent issued by Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations, owner of the shop.-1921-08-25
ACIEVP00203.jpg.jpgSerseri gezen etfalin icra-yı terbiyeleri zimnında meleke veyahud sınaa verilmek üzere Meclis-i Evkaf ve Eytama celb edilemesi için iki mübaşir tayinine dair karar. [2 Temmuz 1296]-1880-07-14
ACIEVPR00029.jpg.jpgThe Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations of Irakliou asks from Mustafa Kaljaki, worker, if he accepts the rise of the rent of the house located at the neighbourhood Yeni Jami, no. 4, controlled by the Directory.-1921-07-31
Hanya Kapısı'ndaki ve satılan arsaların bedellerini gösteren cetvel. [1291 - 1303]-1875
Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'na 9 Eylül 1318 ila 1 Şubat 1318 tarihleri arasında teslim olunan mebaliğe mahsus ilm ü haber.-1902-09-22; 1903-02-14
Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'na 5 Şubat 1329 ila 4 Mart 1330 tarihleri arasında teslim olunan mebaliğe mahsus ilm ü haber.-1914-02-18; 1914-03-17
ACIEVF00279.jpg.jpgVaridat-ı vakfiyeden memurlar ve katiplerle sair vazifelilerin masrafları tenzil olunup baki kalan mebaliğin meşrutlarına ve harap olan mescid, cami, hayratın tamirine kalanların mekatib-i İslamiyenin ıslahıyla Umum Maarif'in intişarına sarf edilmesi kararı. [5 Temmuz 1296]-1880-07-17
1501-1510 / 2139
