1071-1080 / 2139
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Molla Hüseyin Musazaki eytamı dosyası [Menufaç / Gallis Köyü] - the Writer, Stilianos Lanjourakis, sends his friend Halil Aga Merakia list of the land properties of Halil Kaknaki which had been sold by the Evkaf and asks for contract-1903-09-26; 1908-08-10
Kandiye'de sakinken fevt eden Kavalaki Hasan Ağa'nın İbrahim adlı yetim için akraba meclisinde yetimin vasisi Terzi molla Hasan ibn Şaban Pasarozaki'nin umur-ı vesayeti rüyet etmeye muktedir olduğuna dair alınan karar.-1902-02-11
ACIEVO00420.jpg.jpgMenufaç Kazası, Kankalis Kariyesi'nde sakinken vefat eden ? Halazaropola ve eşi Cemali Bilalaki'nin 2 nefer yetiminin umurunu tesviye etmek üzere eytamın dayıları Mehmed Halazaraki'nin vasi olarak tayin edilmesine dair karar. [8 Teşrin-i Evvel 1317]-1901-10-21
in presence of the Maleviziou Notary Emmanouil i. Karagiannaki: according to the decision made by Court of the Administrative Council, Nikolaos Thiakakis or Papadopoulos, captain of gendarmerie has to pay to Irakliou Ottoman Bank for orphans 16,837 29%gr.-1884-10-01
ACIEVO00442.jpg.jpgTowards inspector of Orphans' Properties. Applicant Ali Reisi Lihnadaki asks Family Council to appoint a guardian for orphan Kiemalis, daughter of Housein Salaki in order to represent her and sell to him her mother Zeinepis Haji Ferhatopoulas' estate.-1902-11-21
ACIEVO00431.jpg.jpgThe Family Council of orphans of the late Hierif Karamehtaki from Fortitsas Irakliou Village, under the presidency of inspector Housein Bezmi Dervpali Efendi accepts the proposition of the Inspector to appoint uncle of orphan Mouharem Karahmetaki guardian.-1900-10-08
ACIEVO00382.jpg.jpgHüseyin Beyzade Ferid Bey eytamının mutsarrıf oldukları çiftlik için gübre bedeli olan 4,5 frangı Eytam-ı İslam Nezaretinden aldığına dair Ortakçı Kanber Rıdvanaki imzalı senet [6 Şubat 1326]-1911-02-19
Family council of orphans Ali and Fatme of Moustafa Zabetaki from Gagali Monofatsiou Village. Under the presidency of the inspector Housein Bezmi Dervisaliefedaki-1903-06-16
ACIEVO00441.jpg.jpgTowards the inspector of the Properties of Irakliou Ottoman Orphans-1901-12-19
Documents related to the auction for the sale of a field belonging to the Directory of Iraklio Muslim Religious Foundation, of a size-production of 4 muzuria and located at the periphery of the village Skilus of Pediados.-1918-05-27
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