1061-1070 / 2139
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Decision of the relatives' council concerning the appointment of Arap İbrahimopulaki as guardian of the orphans Ali, İbrahim, Kasim and Huseyn, orphans of Kadem Babadaki, residents of Iraklio.-1902-05-23
in presence of Irakliou Notary Afstratiou S. Vourdoubaki: Ali Efendis Samanjakis, trader and Hamja Veis Arapahmetakis, trader, land owner agreed on: the first one sells to the second one for 5720 dr. his land properties at the Arhanon Temenous Metohi.-1908-08-08
In presence of Irakliou Notary Efstratiou Ts. Vourdoubaki: the brothers Fazil Nazmi Veis Roukounakis, lawyer and Rajih Roukounakis, employee of the custom's take a loan of 700 dr. from Hamja Vei Arapahmetaki Herifzade, trader and land owner.-1904-06-29
The Director of Irakliou Muslim Foundations Housein Vezet informs Engineer Emmanouil Hristodoulaki, responsible for the city plan, that the Administration decided to rebuilt a vakif residence in Balta Cami Quarter that had been decided to be demolished.-1905-01-15
Demir Silianakis from Ligortinos Monofatsiou Village, representing the Agiou Vlassi Teke of Bektasidon received 744 dr. from Ad. Loulaki, for occupying the lands of the Teke at the periphery of Ratasi (?) Monofatsiou Village from 1918 to 1919.-1921-11-17
In presence of Irakliou Notary Efstratiou P. Vourdoubaki: Aleksandros Xidianakis, cooker, resident of Irakliou accepts the rise of the rent concerning the vakif shop no 12 in Kreopolion Market to 163,80 dr. per year.-1921-08-11
ACIEVPR00507.jpg.jpgSelene Kakozon(?) Kariyesi'ndeki icare-i vahideli akarın ihaleye verilmesi hakkında karar. [26 Eylül 1312]-1896-10-08
Table and application by Ioannou A. Damialaki, lawyer against the Administration of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou, represented by the Director Housein Moutafaki, resident of Irakliou towards the Ierapetrou Magistrate's Court.-1911-08-20
ACIEVJ00056.jpg.jpg16 Teşrin-i Sani 1321 tarihli teklifname kararının suretinin gönderildiğine dair Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdürü Mehmed Hulusi imzalı tahrir.-1921-11-24
File of correspondence of the Iraklion Muslim Judge (Ierodikhs). Muhaberat-ı Resmiye müsveddeleri yazan içi boş dosya.--
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