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Statement of Taxable Edifice of the Muslim Religious Foundations of Chania submitted to the Municipality of Chania for a vacant house located at the town of Chania.-1910-08-24
Statement of Taxable Edifice of Iraklio Muslim Religious Foundation submitted to the Municipality of Iraklio for a shop located at neighbourhood Valde of Iraklio of a yearly revenue of 288 drahmes. The shop is rented to Hasan Kanberakis,tobacco-merchant.-1916-08-31
Towards the Director of Council of the Muslim Elders: the Irakliou Prefect G. Makris (?)supports that the Council of the Muslim Elders has the authority to decide about the repetition or not of an auction concerning vakif real estate-1900-11-29
Statement of Taxable Edifice of the Muslim Religious Foundations of Chania submitted to the Municipality of Chania for a coffeehouse located at Halepa of Municipality of Chania of a yearly revenue of 144 drahmes. Coffeehouse is rented to Mustafa Koulaftakis.-1910-08-24
The Director informs the Prefect that Irakliou Muslim Elders' Council decided not to sell the cemetery of Varvaron Village, because there are still Muslims living in that Particular Village-1902-02-07
ACIGVPR00040.jpg.jpgTowards Irakliou Municipality. The Director of the Muslim Foundations, answering to a previous letter informs that the concerned water is going to be used in the no 52 vakif residence-1913-11-26
ACIGVPR00122.jpg.jpgDraft Note of Vezet[?] to the Mayor of Iraklio stating that real estate property [?] belonging to [?] is leased out [?] το Veyet [?] Agadopula for the sum of 80,35 drahmes.-1902-02-11
Irakliou Mayor informs the Director of Irakliou Evkaf that according to the relevant report of the Municipal Engineer the Evkaf has to have a vakif building demolished in a month-1911-12-13
Iraklio Foundations claim ownership of a contested area out of the city next to Lazareton Gate, former Muslim Cemetery, on the basis that till 1899 Evkaf was leasing contested land property to farmers and that after 1899 the foundations continued to do so.-1911-03-05
Prefect N.K Malatakis approves decision of Muslim Elders to reject proposition of the Administration's Director of the Muslim Foundations to sell 2 half destroyed vakif shops in Vezir Market and Certain Vakif Lands in City that are not really profitable.-1902-06-17
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