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Towards the President of Council of Muslim Elders shipment of a document Prefect approves Iraklio Muslim Foundations's Director's application Housein Vevet Astsaki and Muslim Council's decision.-1905-02-18
ACIGVPR00009.jpg.jpgLetter of the Mayor of 'Gortinos' to the Directory of the Ottoman Council of Elders of Irakliou informing that they proceeded to the needed actions in order to find the appopriator of the stones of the Muslim Cemetery.-1910-02-09
ACIGVPR00025.jpg.jpgMayor of Iraklio is informed that the Kaboura Chaniaki (?) Teke Hiehis Ali Efendi was provided with a spring (masoura?) of water-1903-06-22
Decision of the Nomarch of Irakliou And decision of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou approving the sale by public auction of Muslim Council of Elders of a plot located inside the Village 'Ano Arhanes'-1909-10-14; 1909-10-27
Unknowledgement of the official of the Mortgage registry to the Directory of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou informing that the registers containing the portions of the rescripted municipal fees are kept at the Translation Office of Crete.-1900-09-21
ACIGVPR00006.jpg.jpgAnnouncement of the Municipality of Irakliou concerning the exposure from that day on of the tax-listsfor the buildings-tax and the leased buildings of the Municipality, at the building of the Municipality.-1910-11-12
ACIGVPR00001.jpg.jpgLetter of the President of the Council of the Muslim Elders Towards the Nomarch of Iraklion protesting about the seizure of a mosque by Christians at Arijani Monofatsiou.-1919-05-16
ACIGVPR00020.jpg.jpgInvitation for conversation from the Magistrates Court (Irinodikio) towards the Third Ali Efendi Pinialaki as cashier of the Efkafiou of Rethimnis, resident Rethimnis.-1921-08-07
ACIGVPR00021.jpg.jpgTo the Iraklio Prefect: the engineer in charge of the operation for the extension of Irakliou - Pezon Street which is going to pass through the Muslim Cemetery asks that the Muslim Community move the graves from that place-1914-11-19
ACIGVPR00012.jpg.jpgAknowlwdgement of the Supervisory of the Printing-Press of the Government to Muslim Council of Elders' Directory related the latter's dispatchment for publication of an announcement against the illegal sale of wakf estates.-1900-09-04
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