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GörüntüleBaşlıkÜretenYayın Tarihi
The Captain of the Gendarmerie of Iraklio informs the Prefect that the reason he didn't accept so far the imam to enter the prison was that he didn't have a written permission and accepts to allow him entering from now on.-1902-11-16
Taht-ı silaha davet edilen Müslüman efrad arasında memuriyet-i ruhaniyenin de ithal ve celb edilmekte olduğu hakkındaki tebligata göre bu gibilerin evraklarının hanya askere alma kalemine gönderilmekte olduğuna dair Resmo Müftüsü ve Naib Vekilinin arizası.-1923-01-22
ACIGVM00016.jpg.jpgHidmet-i Askeriyeye celb edilen Müslümanların Tevellüd defterlerinde senelerinin yanlış gösterildiğinden bir emirname-i mahsuseyle Hanya'da teşekkül eden komisyona evraklarıyla başvurmaları hususunun Mahkeme-i Şeriyesince cereyan edip etmediğine dair yazı.-1917-02-12
The President of the Muslim Elders of Irakliou, Nouris Tsalikakis, asks for a postponement of the dead line for the Exchange of the Army Service of Muslims, since ammount of money for the exchange was doubled and lots of Muslims are unable to pay.-1923-02
ACIGVM00012.jpg.jpgThe President of the Muslim Elders of Irakliou, Nouris Tsalikakis, asks that the new law, which is in force from February 1 concerning the Exchange of the Army Service (Antisikoma) of the Muslims will not continue to be in force.-1923-02-05
ACIGVM00009.jpg.jpgTowards the President of the Muslim Elders: The dead line for the Muslims in order to exchange their service the army is April 1923 according to decision no 24351 of the Ministry of Army (Stratiotikon)-1923-03-14
The Mayor informs that all Muslims born from 1905 to 1914 that didn't serve or served for less than 3 months are asked to enlist to the army since 31 January 1917-1917-01-16
ACIGVM00010.jpg.jpgTowards the President of the Muslim Community of Irakliou of Crete: Those Muslims who can not afford to exchange their servise at the army will have to serve their duty.-1923-02-09
New Newspaper Daily (Nea Efimeris Kathimerini of Iraklio). among other news there's an underlined article according to which E. Venizelos stated that the Greek Army Humilated the Turkish Army in Asia Minor and as a result Kemal lost some of his prestige-1920-06-27
The Army office (Stratologiko Grafio) of Crete. Towards the Muslim Elders of Irakliou: the Mouezinis of the Teke of Kadridou, Ntantalakis Bilaland the Muezinis of the Teke Katsampa, Larantzakis Samin, must renew their permision not to serve the army.-1919-08-21; 1919-08-26
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