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İmar ve Mübadele Vekaletinden gönderilen Telgraf üzerine Kandiye'nin Yağcı sınıfından erkaba hazır olan kişilerin beyanına dair Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Mübadele, İskan ve İmar Vekaleti Girid Heyet-i Sevkiye ve İrkabiye Riyaseti Mustafa imzalı tezkere.-1924-02-28; 1924-02-29
The Manager complains about Maria Linardaki. Her house is opposite the Mosque Vezir and as she has her chicken free and also causes hygiene problems to the mosque and the area the Manager asks to prevent her from cause such problems in the future.-1920-12-28
Taht-ı silaha davet edilen Müslüman efrad arasında memuriyet-i ruhaniyenin de ithal ve celb edilmekte olduğu hakkındaki tebligata göre bu gibilerin evraklarının hanya askere alma kalemine gönderilmekte olduğuna dair Resmo Müftüsü ve Naib Vekilinin arizası.-1923-01-22
The President of the Muslim Elders of Irakliou, Nouris Tsalikakis, asks for a postponement of the dead line for the Exchange of the Army Service of Muslims, since ammount of money for the exchange was doubled and lots of Muslims are unable to pay.-1923-02
ACIGVM00012.jpg.jpgThe President of the Muslim Elders of Irakliou, Nouris Tsalikakis, asks that the new law, which is in force from February 1 concerning the Exchange of the Army Service (Antisikoma) of the Muslims will not continue to be in force.-1923-02-05
ACIGVM00009.jpg.jpgTowards the President of the Muslim Elders: The dead line for the Muslims in order to exchange their service the army is April 1923 according to decision no 24351 of the Ministry of Army (Stratiotikon)-1923-03-14
ACIGVDIV00004.jpg.jpgOrder of the Nomarch of Irakliou to the President of Muslim Council of Elders for the dispatchmet of the table no. 4523, replying to Muslim Council of Elders report no. 137/89 of 1921.-1921-08-07
ACIGVEP00008.jpg.jpgLettre de la 3ème Comission Mixte au President de la Communauté Musulmane à Cannée sur Bedri Bey Zadé İbrahim qui s'est converti au Judaïsme et demande d'être exclu de l'échange des populations-1924-02-28
İslam İhtiyar Meclisince “Köylü Muhacirin-i İslamiye Hukuku”nun korunması maksadıyla “Köylü Muhacirin-i İslamiyesi Komisyonu” ünvanıyla bir komisyon kurulması hakkında karar, aza seçimiyle ile ilgili kararname ve dilekçe. [3 Teşrin-i Evvel 1923 - 2 Teşrin-i Evvel 1339]-1923-10-02; 1923-10-03
The Iraklio Muftis (Ierodikis) is asked to send to the Municipality tables of all the marriages which took place through January 1922-1922-09-02
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